Animated Videos To End Panic Attacks and Anxiety

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

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  • P.S.Soman Reply

    Really I appreciate the way deal with General Anxiety and panic attack. This will surely benfit to any body who goes through your mini series.
    Thank you you for providing valuable materials.

  • lljones Reply

    I have been receiving your news letter for a couple of weeks. I have not had a panic attack since I read the first one. Just getting a general understanding of what panic is has helped. I was on anti depressants for years, and saw a therapist for many years. The pills helped,but had so many other side effects. I spent 2 years getting off of them. I was functioning fairly well without them, but I was still having panic until I got your information. It’s actually amusing now, when I feel myself going inward I recognize it for what it is and smile. I’m no longer afraid. Honestly, I wish I had your program when I was 25. I’m now 61 and can say I finally understand panic and am able to live normally. I know it sounds weird to say to your panic ” come on bring it on..”.. but it works! Thank You

  • shailesh patel Reply

    it’s mind blowing -it is a simple method, but it is a miracle. thank u once again.god will give long life!

  • Aimee Reply

    Hi my name is Aimee
    i am 19 and have had Panic attacks since i was 15, i went on lovan and have decided 2 months ago to go of them as i have a full time job now and thought i would be ok, the first 4 weeks were ok but then it came back, it became hard to go to work, i threw up on the train because i was so nervous, i am ashamed but i gave up and went back on the tablets, i have been back on them for a month now but the panic attacks wont go away, i promised myself that i would not let this ruin things for me again, but i feel i am losing the battle, i have become to think i will never be normal. then i found this site, i havnt got a credit card and im too embarressed to ask my mum so i havnt been able to buy it but i have been reading the newsletters, they are a great help! I am trying to get better, im not sure if it will happen yet but i believe i have a better chance thanks to this site, it has been the only place to actually make me feel some hope.
    i am sorry for the long post, i have never done anything like this before, i just wanted whoever reads this to know that i am greatful and it was great to read these comments to know im not alone.
    Thankyou so much

  • becky Reply

    thank you so much,i have went to so many drs.first thing i ask him is have you ever had a panic attack.and everyone of them has said no.i tell them then you will never understand what they do to you.ive been on xanax,ativan,been to many hospitals thinking im dyeing.only to be told its an anxiety attack.i now live with constant anxiety.these videos make perfect since.i need to quit worrying about everything it surely not going to stop it from happening ty

  • Silvia Reply

    Thank you so much for your newsletter… gave me a new perspective on how to deal with my GAD and panic attacks,also the videos where very helpful because they show a rteal situation,situations that I used to fear and feel anxious around….now I feel so much freedom,I cant thank you enough!

  • elona Reply

    Thanks again for your precious help. God bless you

  • Steve Reply

    I had bought the online book last year, it took me a while to read, and after finally reading it the 3rd time, I finally started to understand what you were saying. I have suffered with GAD since my teens, always thought I would outgrow it, I never did. I visited doctors, psychiatrists, taken drugs. I knew later in life that it was all a mind thing, but could not figure out how to overcome it. Your understanding of the condition, is very
    true, and your solution does work, but you do have to work at over coming the habits . Thanks for giving me back my life. Where were you when I was in my teens?

  • vivianna Reply

    i have been suffering from panic attacks .to feel fear is such torment. i was constantly worring about how incapable i must look in front of my co workers and clients when im experiencing my anxiety my hand would be shaking , the sweating and i would be flushed .when i looked at the videoes that was me im so happy to know that someone understand how im feeling all day and they can offer me some help .i have been pratcing the steps and it has made a difference i learn to embrace me and my emotions and im doing much better thakyou so much you have made a dirrerence in my life i never enjoyed a full day until today i was alway tormented now i just focus on happiness not worry .

  • Zhana Reply

    Thank you very much!! I’ll try and use these techniques. It’s a little bit hard to accept anxiety when it rises, because my first reaction to it is panic, but I’ll give it a try. I know it’s the thoughts that make anxiety worse when it rises, because I really get scared when my heart starts pounding fast and I get dizzy and my vision changes, like I’m not in this world, but in unreal world.

  • stephanie Reply

    Getting onto this website has been better then seeing a doctor honestly you are wonderful and is giving thousands of people the opportunity to live again, that is massive.
    Thank youuuuu sooooo muchhhhh.

  • Nicky Reply

    I am going to try this but not sure if it will work yet ! I have had anxiety attacks on and off since the age of 11 when I was bullied at school and started getting the attacks in class. When I went to senoir school and had new friends the situation went. I then started getting them in restaurants when it would make my mouth dry so I couldn’t swallow properly and that would bring it on worse. Then I started to fear sitting in any quiet crowded situation because when I have one my stomach starts churning noisily and I feel sick so want to get out and away from embarrassing myself! This makes me dread any meetings or cinemas or churches etc unless I can be sure of getting an end seat which helps me to relax because I know if I need to go I won’t show myself up!! I have been on anti depressants for 10 years now and they have really helped but I just want to be cured completely so here goes !!!

  • vicky Reply

    really amazed, at the very fact hat we can actually control our negative , emotional, anxious, thoughts
    through these steps. i am sufferring from generalizedanxiety, being in a totally different enviornment,
    my. heart beat, state of mind, fear lurking me most of the time. questions arisisng, its not easy at all.i have also been on ativan xanax and citalopram.these def help for short periods then what,,,i have realized we have to deal with it without the dependence on pills. and im gonna do jst that. let the fearful thoughts attack me.i am prepared.after seeing this.thank you gbu,

  • Aaron Reply

    Thank You. I am 16 years old, male, and have been experiencing crippling panic attacks since i was around 13… it all started when I was idiotic enough to drink an energy drink before going to sleep. I had no idea that caffeine would affect my body in the way it did, I was simply hooked on them ever since my cousins introduced me to them. I have sworn off caffeine now, taking more healthy and natural energy supplements when I need them. I still dont quite know whether it was that incident, or one that happened a few months ago, when I wasn’t watching what i ate. One loaf of Garlic bread, OVERLOADED with oil, it was frozen, not homemade. I had a dream that night that I was playing a game (yes Im a big gamer, dont judge me for playing Shooter games), and every time i reached a climactic point in my dream, I’d throw up. I eventually woke and vomited, scared my mother half to death (she had no idea about the oil, or that i ate that much), and when i was well enough to lie back down, i was unable to sleep, laying on a mattress in the living area. Ever since, i have had this extreme fear of vomiting. I cant explain it, of course its going to hurt when your stomach lurches, but its like having an iron fist crushing your stomach in one instant. Whenever i had a panic attack, I would start retching, feeling like ill vomit, and sometimes thinking if i vomit, itll go away, not a very healthy way to think.. i know… I was unsuccessful in forcing myself to vomit, and ended up shaking uncontrollably, Not just little shivers, spasdomic movements, and i’d feel like i had a veil around my eyes, making me see two different worlds at once. After a few episodes.. i came to the conclusion that, seeing as my panic attacks only happen at night when i wake up, I was having Night terrors, in which you’re still half dreaming. Conscious enough to notice you’re awake, but not enough to realize its not actually happening.. i guess you could say i was hallucinating. Well.. after that i had a fear of going to sleep before someone else in my household, for fear of being woken up and having an episode. This usually kept me up, secretly, past 12:00 am. I am only just starting to get out of that habit, after nearly 3 years of it… This video will help me alot i believe, as i had always assumed it was something like this, (you cant fear what you want, right?), but i never had the willpower to try it because i never had any indication that it had worked for someone else. I am currently cracking down hard on my body, keeping everything in line. When a panic attack starts, i forcefully remind myself that this will NOT control me. I use that adrenaline to fight back against it, subdue it, and make it nonexistent. I still have agoraphobic tendencies, i simply dont like being around anyone who has lost control, be it from alcohol or excitability, because someone who is out of control is, in my mind, unpredictable.
    I have never been to the doctor or hospital specifically for a panic attack, because we simply dont have the money, nor the time. My poor mother has more stress than I, managing a house meant for two paychecks, with only a 30k -year salary. We’re currently stuck here because we have to make a fair amount of rennovations to make it presentable for sale. Constant worry about everything..I even started homeschooling because of panic attacks. Because of that, i havent begun to learn to drive, a really big thing for me, because the only highschool in our district is one with a really really bad rep. And we dont know if theyd even take me in for just that. Another worry is that i dont see what is in the future for me, seeing as how this has forced me into an antisocial demeanor, I want to have somebody around whom i trust, and yet i dont want to have the stress of someone unpredictable, yes i know i must get over that, unpredictability is the way of life, but with all of these worries, i dont know where to start. I feel that i’ll always be stuck in this state of limbo, always fearing, never living. Thankyou for showing me, and all of these other fine people, that someone cares. I will beat this hobble, and so will all of you.

  • lesley holmes Reply

    ditto to all above I have just read, thort you were me, please help me to overcome this awful feeling. xx

  • wolf Reply

    Thank-you finaly somthing one can realy relat to this is devnitly the best aproch to my problem its like your aculy following your own emotion and ther by seing ther is hope and light at the end of that dark tunel thankyou again and please if ther are any up dares please send i will ecept with oppen arms
    yours wolfgang

  • farnaz Reply

    thank u so much I think that u are an angel

  • Addie Reply

    I experienced a panic attack the other day, I was doing exactly like the video says; breathing heavily, tingling in the arms and hands and a high feeling of panic. I was fighting against the thoughts..
    To bad I hadn’t watched that last video sooner 😛
    I will try and accept them..


  • Nicole Reply

    I have been blessed with your mini series and am very close to ordering your book..I almost went into a panic attack the other day i was driving and my 4 year old was screaming int he back of the car and my husband was talking loud..I told my self to have one and it better be a big one..then I said you have 20 seconds to do what your going to do cause I dont have time for this panic attack bull crap..just like that I had control and was fine…I am using these methods daily to take control of my mind..Thank you…i hope to one day fly like I used to again!!

  • JoeAnn Crutcher Reply

    these video are so good.–I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for 14 years–been under a doctor–still trying to cope–thank you for your work–I believe this will help me.

  • Kelli Reply

    Feel at least a little soothed by the GAD video, must say that the Irish lilt helps the relaxation process!

  • Mariana Reply

    Oooh my God..I really never thought that anyone would actually find the right words for what I feel till I read all that you had to say. Barry, your description of this sensation is exactly what happens. reading your tips is sooo relaxing . I am flollowing every step and feeling safe and calm. I will go on practicing and working on my body and soul. you gave me hope. Thank you so much.God bless you.

  • happy Reply

    thank u very much i m suffering from panic attack from last six months and was in fear that do i have some mental or physical problem AND U CAME LIKE ANGEL MY ATTACKS R ALMOST GONE BY KNOWING THAT ITS ALL NORMAL AND I M NOT ALONE SUFFERING FROM THIS AND NOW I M READY TO TAKE UP A JOB AGAIN ALL B’COZ OF U THANKS ALOT…i m all back to myself now and know that nothings gonna affect me now U R DOING LIKE AN ANGEL TO PEOPLE LIKE ME THANKS…MAY THE DIVINE BLESS U…HAPPY

  • marie Reply


  • Al Reply

    You have done for me, what no doctor could, THANK YOU. They told me it was in my head and I felt embaresed to tell people what was happening to me when I felt a panic attack coming on because my head did not tell me to have a panic attack, the panic in my head only started after I felt those dreadful sensations. Now thanks to you I can deal with them. THANK YOU AGAIN

  • Charlie Reply

    Im really glad i found this mini series, the videos are an excellent example of how a panic attack manifests itself, and how GAD effects me each day. I am trying the acceptance route, it helps to know im not alone. Thank you 🙂

  • Jayaprakash Reply

    I have seen the videos, bought the panic away book. I am on it now and definitely find success in managing and reducing the frequency. now feel much better. Probably i also have some sadness sometimes alongwith but subsides. Must know on how to deal with that also. so far so good.
    thank you, You must be blessed as this will provide a good solution to many.

  • Boyet Rivera Reply

    Thank you very much! It really helped put my mind at ease knowing that there really is nothing wrong with me physically and mentally.Like many others, I’ve been struggling with my panic attacks for years. Searching for cures. But these mini series is the only one that really worked for me! Once again, thank you very much and MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS!!

  • Bob Reply

    I don’t know where to begin. I was a totally healthy person with fear of nothing. I was actually considered a type T personality. Rollercoasters, motorcycles, race cars. Any thrill, the worse the better. Then one day about 2 months ago I witnessed my first panic attack while at work. Well that’s not what I thought it was. I figured I was yet another statistic of a perfectly healthy fit 45 year old dying of a heart attack. I was taken out of work in an ambulance and spent a night in the hospital for tests. Nothing. I had my stomach scoped, gall bladder tested and finally an echo stress test. I found your website and signed up for your email newsletters. If you are reading this, you are suffering from the same symptoms. Sign up for the letters. Barry is a blessing. I know no more now than I did before the newsletters as to what caused this and if it will ever go away but Barry helped me find a way to deal and most important to know I am not alone or going crazy. I recommend a good cardiologist stress test where they push you as your heart is monitored. It is not comfortable. Not at all. I suffered a panic attack whilst on the treadmill but the Dr kept pushing me with the promise I would be alright. (All we want to know is are we safe?). If something were to happen, this is the place. So I pushed through an attack and completed the stress test. Once you know and I mean REALLY know your heart is sound, this gives Barry’s techniques 100% more strength. Go ahead heart… Beat… BEAT! You are doing what you are told all is good. Although you feel as if your life is falling apart around you… You are safe and this will pass. The sweat will subside, the tingling, the knot in your throat preventing you from swallowing. It will all go away. Just become an observer within your body and watch it unfold. Almost laughing at it. As if to say… What are you doing silly? What’s this about? Where are you going with this? We are not going back to the hospital so why don’t you just stop. Only when you are done so I will patiently sit and wait. I will buy your book and read it cover to cover. Everything I have read so far is spot on. We are not crazy. I am almost ready to find the tallest rollercoaster or fastest car and push it to the limit. No one may ever be able to tell us what caused this. Perhaps stress, stimulants (caffeine, energy drinks) is the culprit. All I know is once you have one, you fear the next and that is what needs to stop. Look forward to it. Barry will help us feel comfortable with that philosophy. Not sure I am there yet but I am certain I will be.

    Bless you Barry and thanks for helping us all.

  • Aliki Reply

    dear Barry, thank you very very much for your extremely helpful book.I bought it and I tested your method the next day while walking in street.It worked rightaway and I was convinceed that I am on the right path.I
    working on the One Move Technique and on the Calm Rease exercises during the last two weeks
    and the ameriotion has already started.Sometimes I get discouraged because I am looking for faster
    results but I think that acceptance plays an important role in this procedure.So when I have a bad
    day, I accept it and the next one is better.The breathing exercises and the visualisation ones have
    been very beneficial for me.When I start the One Move Technique sometimes by observing and embracing , the sensations calm down and I forget to demand more. Is this normal?

  • Christine Reply

    Dear Barry,

    I just found your website a couple of weeks ago, everything I have read so far makes a lot of sense to me. I have been dealing with anxiety since I was 30 years old, I am now 54. I have been on Paxil for several years, and for the most part it has helped control my anxiety alot. My problem is, everytime I have a lot going on in my life, the anxiety returns. I’m only taking 20mg. of Paxil. But I have 2 leaky valves in my heart, so when ever my blood pressure goes up, I have to wonder if it’s my heart or anxiety. I am checked twice a year by a heart specialist for my valves.

    Everytime I think my anxiety is acting up, my blood pressure goes up, and even with talking to myself and letting my anxiety go to where it needs to go, I can’t help but wonder if this is good for my heart as many times as the anxiety happens.. Any helpful info you could give me at this time would be very much appreciated!

    I am so thankful that I found this site, because so many people just don’t understand the words “Anxiety Attack”. Unless you haven’t been there, they just don’t get it. Right now I think I’m experiencing morning anxiety, that is if theres such a thing, it usually lasts to noon.

    Please keep doing what your doing Barry, because you are helping so many, and you do understand what some of us are going through. So to that, I say thank you again.


  • Jason Reply

    Im 37 years old.I have dealing with panic attacks and high anxienty since i can remember.i have never been on drugs for it or to help me cope.i always knew i wanted to deal with my anxienty and never used drugs as a source to depend on.This program has been a god sent for me.Anyone out there that is going through this for there first time try to learn as much as possible about panic and a human sponge of knowledge for what you are going through.always tell yourself that its will pass and never ever give up.This program is so right,face the panic!.run towards it with open arms,embrace it.hold it as your best friend.these are just a few of the coping skills i am learning that is helping me more than anything.i can only say this now because of all the years of dealing with this have been feeling more confident then ever since i have purchased this program.To Barry,thank you for this program and to all you out there who might read my post just remember,your not alone in this.never give up and be strong.and always be true to yourself.

  • natalie Reply

    You have saved me from myself! I cannot thank you enough, the second i started reading your program which my dad bought for me, I felt I had found the solution to my lifelong panic attacks, from which I suffered severely last year when they turned into agoraphobia. Iwish i had found your program sooner. God shall repay you immensely for doing such good with your knowledge and sharing it to help others. You are an angel as far as I’m concerned. You gave me my life back with Panic Away.

  • esperanza Reply

    You are a BLESSING! I feel a great Relief of my anxieties and depressions. God reward you for your unselfish contributions to us anxiety sufferers. Thank you very much!

  • maxine Reply

    Very good i will try those exercises. Thank you.

  • gloria Reply

    hello, just wanted to tel you tank you for your support and how glad i am to know that I am not the only persone that get,s that and it is so true the way you describe it ,,,once again tank you.

  • Linda Reply

    I think that learning to demand more has helped me some, but i still have a big problem by talking to people. My neck is getting really tense and my head start to shaking. I can handle the feelings inside, but this shaking is causing panic to meet people. I am pregnant now, and my anxiesty is getting worse now i feel. Is there anything i can do too stop this shaking??

    Thank you very much for a really good book and mails!

  • Ted Reply

    Thank you. This is hard but it is comforting to know that there are others out there. More comforting still is that there are people who are finding peace after a long time of anxiety. It gives me hope and inspiration. Thank you for offering these exercises to us free of charge. Honestly, thank you very much. Oh, and your voice is soothing to.

  • Marion Amos Reply

    Thank you so much for all your videos, and help and understanding. Very much appreciated. Yours Sincerely in Christ, Marion

  • scott Reply

    I don’t need to embelish you with anymore positive comments as you proberbly know you got some good techniches and the fact it is freely available to everybody is great. Its a condition i wouldn’t be comforable with seeing someone about and to do this for people that suffer from this terrible condition is i think great!
    Thankyou for the effort you have put to create this program and all the best to you.

  • shadae thompson Reply

    im 18 years old girl, who lives in jamaica. ive been on meds for some minor sickness and after i finish taken them i went into depression,, then rite after i start having panic attacks,, i tried everything, i went to everybody and they all said the same thing,, after watching this vedieo i felt relief,,, i wont be able to get the book anytime soon but ill jus keep reading other people comments on how to end it, so keep up the good work, panic away is the best

  • Elaine Reply

    Thank you for the videos they really describe my life, and yes to hear you speak is very relaxing, I wish I could obtain either relaxing CD’s or meditation tapes with your voice, you seem to have a calming effect on me after 17years of suffering, I am still ona small dose of xanax and reading your book and newsletters and joining the forum, but not sure how I get off the tablets to challenge this problem med free

  • claire Reply

    as a person who has a fear of flying, i will definately try this tactic instead of having a alcoholic beverage before getting on the plane. I recently started having anxiety attacks whilest stopping at stop lights in the car, i thought how stupid is this for years ive been driving and it never worried me then, but by using some of the info you have given me, is getting me there to be normal again 🙂 thank you so much

  • Lino Reply

    Thank you. First of all it’ s nice to know that I’ m not the only one with such problems. Secondly your suggestions are very interesting and I’ ll start practising them straight away.

  • Julie Reply

    I started having anxiety attacked just over one month ago. About two weeks ago I came accross your website and started to recieve your mini program series and videos through email. Within minutes of reading each and every one I felt a sense of relief and calm. You are a genius. I am seriously thinking to buying your book. Thankyou sooooo much and may god reward and bles you.

  • J Hunter Reply

    Hi Barry,
    Thank you for your weekly newsletter. They have helped me with my attacks. I am still struggling to to the accepting part of it but am working on it. I am hoping to over come that soon and have a good night sleep for a change without waking up at 2.30am every morning.

    Thank you for taking the time by provding all this useful information and tips.

    Thank you and God bless.

    Jaye Hunter

  • Anna Reply

    These videos really help me with the Panic Attacks, but my thing is the symptoms….tension, headaches, tightness around my head, dizziness, etc. I need to help making these annoying things go away. I see a lot of information on what to do when you have a panic attack, but nothing on the symptoms. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am so over feeling this way. Thanks.

  • Tony Kwan Reply

    Speedy recovery
    I have since recovered from Anxiety Disorder ( PANIC ATTACKS ) after
    about 4 months. Panic Away Program was my FIRST AID and has been MY
    COMPANION since then. When I was first inflicted, I had PA Program to
    gave me the assurance that I will be well and recover in time. The PA
    Program helped me to program my mind positively inorder to recover
    sooner. The recovery period has many obstacles along the way. PA
    Program reassured me recovery is definite and certain. I wish all who
    may be sufferring from Anxiety Disorder to think positively that your
    recovery is FOR SURE it will happen. Your speed of recovery depends on
    your own desire to get well soon. Speedy recovery

  • Francisca Reply

    Hi! thank you so much for the videos they really describe my situation when I was having full grown panic attacks. I still feel them, but I think I must gain control in the situation; because I can get throug it now with the relaxion excersice.
    I have been reading th ebook I bought from you and now seen the videos are very very helpull.
    thanks a million for the wonderfull help and suport you have provided to me.

  • Daniel Reply

    Burry i am over the moon with all your mini serius i dont know what to say but am the happies man in the planet if you were a woman 100% i could marry you never mind you are the best man enjoy the rest of your life and wish you all the best

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Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks while shopping, driving or at work?