Courage and Panic Attacks

People who have never experienced a panic attack often judge the anxious person harshly.

The outsider has no real comprehension of what is happening to the person experiencing a panic attack and wonders why they fear to do the simplest things.

I know myself that I could not understand how overnight I went from being a confident young man to someone who became anxious of common everyday situations.

Going places took on a whole new dimension as I constantly evaluated if being there might trigger a panic attack.

I had to force myself to do very simple things like go to the cinema or drive in traffic. As a man that type of anxiety really erodes self confidence, as so much of male self esteem comes from being perceived as strong and brave.

…but here I was afraid to queue at the bank!

Today I know better. Through my own journey and all those I have worked with, I know now that anxiety disorders have nothing to do with a persons level of bravery.

I know this to be true because I have worked with many people from the ‘bravest’ professions around. Firemen, policemen, soldiers. All of them admired by others for their bravery.

Some of these individuals would actually prefer to run into a burning building than stay awake at night with a panic attack.

That sounds strange but it isn’t really. In a burning building they knew what to do and how to handle the situation. During a panic attack they felt powerless and out of control.

What you have to remember is that panic attacks and general anxiety have no relationship to the level of courage an individual has. In fact it has nothing to do with the world out there, -it is a problem born out of an internal crisis.

It is easy to feel brave and fearless in the world when your internal world feels safe but when you feel those internal walls have been breached by fear, then your confidence is rocked. The danger you fear becomes internal. Your psychic foundations feel vulnerable.

That is where the crisis originates. The doubting of your ability to handle the sensations shakes your inner confidence and that is what the fear feeds off.

It is a crisis of confidence in your body and mind’s ability to handle the stress. This crisis however does not stop the bravery.

People with anxiety actually do the bravest of things.

They get up each day and get on with life. Picking themselves up after each and every setback. It does not make headline news but it counts because it is real bravery, true courage.

To the untrained eye it does not seem like such a big deal to simply drive out of state, attend church, or go shopping. However for the person with anxiety, that experience can be a massive accomplishment, especially if they have tried and failed many times before.

The good news is:

This bravery does not go unrewarded.

Once the person has triumphed over their anxiety problem, they develop an inner strength that the average person never gets to develop.

You see, no matter how many brave things you do in the world, if you have not been challenged on an inner level, then you miss out on the opportunity to develop real inner strength.

That is the hidden opportunity anxiety presents to you. To become a bigger person than you already are. That is what you take from the challenge of anxiety.

It does not matter if you have not reached that point yet. The journey is unique to everyone so do not judge your progress against others.

The only thing that matters is that you persist.

Persistence will ensure your success.

To learn more visit:

Kind Regards

Barry Joe McDonagh

All material provided in these emails are for informational or educational purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition

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  • Martin Reply

    Barry, thanks for this article about courage and panic attacks.It is one of the most inspiring and encouraging I have ever read on the subject. May God bless you.

  • Carlos H. Reply

    i just want to thank u for ur time and pattience u have… also id like to say that before getting the program i used to have the tightness on the chest and shortness of breath… now i can deal with that is not a prob the only thing is becoming hard for me to get over it is the diziness and the tremors sensations usually they appear really bad at nights before sleep time and last till i wake up an hour after i wake up ..maybe some of u have had experience the same feeling if u do…wats the trick u have in order to control them..ive been experiencing gad since last november…i also experienced some panic attacks but not anymore….if there is any advice ..will be more than welcome … and one more time thank u for all the information u post everything is very helpful

    • George Reply

      Hi Carlos.

      I can really hear you. 20 years I’ve been trough this, doesn’t mean you’re gonna be suffering that long, most cases just a couple of weeks (anxiety), some others months, my doctor said 14 years at the most, long time ago, almost right. Bottom line, something might be stressing you hard, the way to deal with that is just accept it, and forgive yourself for whatever, easy to say, hard to do I know, but that’s it. Then, apply lots of fun, the real one, the kind of things you really like to do and make you feel really good, if that’s making cakes or singing, then go ahead, This will re-train your mind and keep you busy the healthy way. Get rid of caffeine, sugar and alcohol for a while. Meds, men, better go the therapy way, in my experience in olny caused more problems. Whenever you feel that rapid hearbeats at night, stay still in bed and move your feet in a circular mode both ways, back and forth, you’ll feel tachicard going slow almost inmediately. Then, deep, slow air intakes, feel your lungs expanding slowly, although in the middle of a rapid heart beat, block it, keep it for 7 beats and then slowly out until you feel you stomach like touching your spine, repeat it for 7 times at least. This has helped me to fight the symptons at night for many years. On top of this, follow Barry’s great advise, think about these feelings as something that won’t last and will always fade away with no harm to you. Some people stand up in a sudden manner, that only worsen the situation, in my experience staying in bed with eyes closed like continue sleeping makes it fade away faster. In my experience, this happen when you have exposed your mind to a continuing hard thinking hammering something for a long time, that’s why fun is so important, to block it and as an antidote. I hope this will help you.

    • George Reply

      One more thing Carlos, dizziness and tremors, they usually appear under GAD, after a panic attack first experience, the reason is very simple, you fear another attack. Follow Barry’s rule, think of it as a no harm situation for you. In other words, you experience that because you think about that, at bed time. This might be the result of the stressfull environment you might be living within, get out of it!, get rid of it! really quick. If the stressful agents disappear, anxiety disappears too. Easy to say, again, most of the times easy to do too, if you find a coach friend that can look over your shoulders and help you see the ease of what you see impossible. In my case, that friend has been Jesus.

  • Carol Reply

    Thank you for the newsletters. Your program and your newsletters are very helpful. You are so right! People who have panic attacks are some of the most courageous people! To venture out and function often takes a great deal of courage when the threat of a panic attack is lurking. How often have I been in the midst of a panic attack and just keep right on talking, teaching, participating in a meeting, singing onstage, or whatever, pretending I’m absolutely fine when this inner turmoil is occuring in my body. However, your techniques give us a great bag of tools to help us be even more courageous.

  • gaytri patel Reply

    thanku so much

  • yashiro Reply

    very good article. its like a part of my life ur describing…i remembered that i went out once n return home that day without a panic attack n it was like an adventure for me!! in your article was written “People who have never experienced a panic attack often judge the anxious person harshly.” totally agree koz i have been constantly being judge badly till now!
    thank u for ur support!!

  • linda Reply

    thank you so much for the articel on courage and panic, i have found it very helpfull have panic attacks for many yrs so i cant thank you enough, linda uk .

  • Antonia Reply

    As everyone else I also want to say Thank you! All your E-mails are so simple and yet so great and helpful. I really hope to see my self free and happy again soon.

  • Angelu Reply

    Dearest Barry:
    you are AWESOME!!!! God bless you. I am just reading your letters, and let me tell you Barry…
    free others from pain is free yourself… I really do not know if I suffer from panic attacks, all I know last 2 years, I been feeling a lot of fear inside my heart, and I even feel physical cold inside my heart. I do not wish this to any body, and I am creating my own tecniques to help myself, and those are helping me a lot, I will like to share those with you later… for now, I just want to tell you Barry….

  • Angelu Reply

    Thank you so much Barry (Muchas gracias) I want to share with u my own way to overcome my fears…
    God bless uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  • Adriana Reply

    After i got my first panic attack i never thought i would gain my life back thank you so much from every ounce inside me i will forever be grate full for everything!

  • ROHIT Reply

    Your this article has touched my heart as I have little bit evolved from excessive trembling & anxiety that I encountered. You show a mirror to confused people when anxiety driven. ur article motivates me a lot. Thank you!!

  • des Reply

    Thank you very much for your emails over the last few months.They have been of tremendous help to me.

  • Janie Reply

    I thank you Barry for your daily support it gives me hope and courage for the day. I am a routine person and often wondered if this has lead to my panic and anxiety. Having two small children and a comfortable size home, i like to keep it as clean as possible but sometimes hard on bad days and it’s busy enough with the children. I have decided to be kind to myself and spread out my jobs and give more time to my children than what i have been each day. I wake up doing my breathing exercise then waking up early to your support before the children wake up to make this mini course work for me. I hope this will change my life to a happy and care free one.
    Thank you, God bless.

  • Pam Reply

    This newsletter was so touching, so profound. I do believe that individuals who suffer through difficult times become stronger in the long run. I felt a sense of pride reading this, because I have suffered through this GAD for the last 6 months, but have made progress reading & practicing your course. I would be NO WHERE without it! I thank God for you & your wonderful course/newsletter.
    Thank you so much…….

  • Janie Reply

    Thank you so much on your e-mail, your tips and support give me hope and courage on fighting panic attacks and anxiety, you are my idol.

    God Bless!

  • Andrew mc carron Reply

    I feel reassured From your emails,,,, Thank you,,,
    I took my first panic attack 2 week,s ago i really thought i was taking a heart attack and ended up in the
    hospital twice in the one week, Ive been having mini one,s ever since still have that fear low slightly that im going to die, if i get a major attack again,

  • Dadoune Reply

    thank u for your e-mail

  • Jerica Reply

    Thank you for the emails, they’re really helping me out. I’ve suffered from severe panic attacks for 3 years now. It all started after I had my first son, I got myself so nervous and stressed out and then one day the attacks started. At first I had no idea what it was, I thought I was having a heart attack, I felt like I couldn’t breathe, it was a nightmare and I felt like I had no control over anything that was happening to me. I felt completely vulnerable, and was scared for my life. I went to the ER quite a few times and each time I’d go they’d just act like I was crazy and nothing was wrong with me, so I started researching my symptoms and came across anxiety attacks, everything matched up..I decided to see a psychologist because the attacks were getting too frequent, some days I’d suffer from 10-15 attacks and some days I’d be okay and not have any..Once I started going to the doctor she put me on anxiety meds, I’m not a big medicine person but I took them for awhile and they did work, the attacks pretty much stopped.

    Last September I had my second son, I had stopped taken the anxiety meds about a year prior to having him, and I had been free from any kind of anxiety attack…until my second son was about 3 months old. I started feeling some of the symptoms coming back, the attacks weren’t as bad but they were enough to let me know “hey I’m back”. I tried to ignore it and just go about my life but as time went on they got more severe and more frequent. My son is now 6 months old and my attacks are full on. Its still a scary situation and it really upsets me because I feel like I can’t live a normal llife but I refuse to let these anxiety attacks hold me back.

  • Colette Reply

    Thank you so much for all your emails which I find so helpful, they make sense. I have had anxiety attacks for the past 2 years and before that 7 years ago, this time I feel, no, I know I am at the end of the dark tunnel I can see the light and have more good days now than bad, it is all about confidence which gets lost along the way, but you have to trust your progress and when you do the confidence comes, and sometimes you have to regress to progress, your programme really helped me to believe in myself.
    Renewed thanks, Colette

  • jen Reply

    It took me 10 years to finally realized what was happening to me. I guess I accepted the feeling as it come and ent. I accepted it as a part of life. Only lately I realized that I was having anxiety attacks and started fighting it. I got tired of it controlling my life. What has really helped me and I would encourage others to do the same, is prayer and meditation. I find that when I pray and read my bible it brings such inner tranquality and peace. Its hard to explain it but my faith has kept me and is helping me.

  • carol Reply

    Thank you so much for your emails. They have been really helpful. Am starting to feel a bit stronger after suffering from terrible panic attacks for the last few weeks. They have been particularly bad at night but am beginning to sleep a bit better now. My sympathies to all fellow sufferers, especially those who have been suffering for a long time. Thanks Barry. You are a good man.

  • Sharon Reply

    Thank you for all your input Barry, it has really helped me deal with my anxiety. It took me a few years to realize what it was, and it took me down a couple of notches when I realized I wasnt that strong person I used to be. My anxiety has been bad this past few months in which I would run to the ER, thinking I was having a heart attack. EKG’s were normal, seems my espohagus has spasms and causing burning in my chest, creating my anxiety to form, the feeling of being out of control, and driving me crazy. I am taking Ativan right now to control them, but my dr tells me to learn how to meditiate to get them to go away, or just turn it over to God and it will go away. “What if I have an attack” is always on my mind right now, and it is so disabling to me. Your mini series has helped me see that there is hope and there are ways to control it. Thank you and God bless.

  • lolo Reply

    thank u very much u r a gift from god

  • laura jackett Reply

    thanks alot for these courses great help for me knowing im not on my own with these panic attacks at one point i thought that was it they have taken over me but i love reading about how to control them on your own and other peoples comments

  • Anna Rudnicka Reply

    My last panic attack was so severe and scary that I quit smoking being afraid that nicotine could trigger another attack. No matter how rediciulous it sounds my non smoking last five weeks and counting…I saw my doctor yesterday and ask her to stop antidepressants because I am going to help myself with Panic Away program, I am so convinced that it will work for me. My doctor is very interested in your program and she intends to inform all of her patients with GAD (so many of them) about it!!!
    Tkanks Barry, Anna

  • Abdul Reply

    Hi, Barry,i’m very glad to receive your newsletters ,it give me hope and i’m stronger in my inner heart ,i feel that i’m not alone when i ready people comment ,what i can say to others ,let us be strong and patient with this situation ,The Glorys God want to give us an examination in order to see who is patient ,i believe every thing have an end ,also our affliction i believe one day it will end .Thank you Barry for your supportive programme which u are sending to us all who suffer ,May God bless you ,u are pulling us from that situation of giving up

  • Yesefa Reply

    Hi, thanks once again for always sending these amazing articles. I consider myself blessed! It’s really difficult dealing with such a thing as a panic attack in a society that has about 90% of people who have no idea about it. It’s been really difficult for me because whenever I try to talk to someone about it they never understand, it just does not make sense to them because they expect to have a reason for my reluctance and I understand that it because society has thought us that there’s a reason for everything so it’s difficult for them to accept that I can’t really point to anything in particular as the reason behind my actions.
    Reading this gives me reassurance of hope and let’s me know that I’m not in this alone.There are probably other people here in Africa going through this same thing but don’t know exactly what it is.
    I can’t wait to take back full control of my life and help others going through the same thing!

  • christine Reply

    I just love your mini courses…#5 really set the record straight for us brave people. Try explaining this to someone who has never had them…impossible for them to understand. I have always had anxiety attacks. First one at 30..then it went on sporadically in intervals.. Now I am 45 going thru severe perimenopause and
    I do find it is more cycle related..(2 weeks out of the month) extreme! Taking some meds for the hormonal ups and downs.
    It is aweful. I am considering buying panic away. Your words are so helpful. I am going to try some of the
    exercises when the next one arises. I really liked your bring it on concept as well, getting the frontal part of the brain to have command again.
    I feel for everyone out there with this type of disorder….and your right we are the proud and the strong.
    On this day of freedom…we all strive for it within ourselves..

  • JOAO - BRAZIL Reply



  • Shirley Reply

    Thank you for the e-mails. I have read them all with interest. I had no ida there were so many people who suffered from Panic Attacks. The person who suffers these think they are the only one and can’t understand why it happens to them. Your last e-mail about letting the attack it does work.
    I have suffered with anxiety for 38 years. I have learnt to live with it, but I never put myself in a situation if I know it could trigger a panic attack, but it does restict things you do. I will continue to read your e-mails.

  • lola Reply

    thank you so much for jour newsletters.god bless jou

  • April Reply

    This is my third news letter, and so far my favorite no one understands what it takes to get up every morning and know what is going to happen and then being practically nonfunctioning for the fear of the next attack. Thank you for your understanding we will all be better people because of you and all your info. Thanks April Dawn

    • Pam Reply

      April….hang in there! I DO Understand, and this program really works!!! 6 mos. ago I was a mess……now, I’m in control, and practice what I’ve learned whenever I fell GAD returning. God bless you!

    • george Reply

      Man, I have to say, after 20 years suffering panic and anxiety as a serious impediment in life, I´ve come to the conclusion that there´re so many reasons that molded our minds for years and, therefore, our bodies to ended up turning into an anxiety driven organisms. Family, education, society, life changes and events, beliefs, training, expectations, etc. etc. Bottom line is we all have the same problem: we´ve been reprogramed. Our beliefs structure has changed and we react different to life events as compare to common people. Knowing this and “buying” the concept, makes you understand that you won´t get out until you accept it and plan for reinstalling your original “drivers”, since the ones you have now installed, are corrupted. How to do this? First, understand the fact, second, get back to the OEM (original manufacturer), reinstall the divers and retrain yourself. This means a lot of pain, and this is where Barry´s program comes in, retraining, reinstalling the drivers. To keep a diary is such a good thing since you´ll be surprised how numbers works around it, most attacks have the same duration, pretty much at the same time, caffeine effects are there but not always, fun present no attacks whatsoever, and so forth, unfortunately most of the times we don´t have the ability and time to record every single event. My conclusion is that learning to deal with an anxiety-driven life will surely makes you a stronger, much better person, and even though this makes it worthwhile, there´s no power on earth than can give such know-how, it only would come from a higher instance, the OEM, God. Please, make your own research on how to get access to the original OEM, God, because there´s a way an protocol (Jesus), and you will have the chance to reinstall your drivers. In my case, Jesus reinstalled my drivers and somehow took me to Barry´s website and articles after years of research, He said “..Now, this will help you. Call Me should you need any further help”. And so I do, whenever the first one strikes in, 10 to 11 am, most of the times, I follow Barry´s rule to “let it pass”, while I pray, immediately after, it´s just gone, gone. Worst you might say, It takes me up every single night 3 am feeling this is it..!, heart and brain like getting together to make me feel the very end, skyrocketing, and I let it pass (pain), and I pray, 5 minutes and again, it´s gone, gone… My strong belief that Jesus won´t ever fail to me and Barry´s “let it pass”, “won´t go beyond”, “learn to live with it”, etc, is what He handed to me to use as a tool. Please, do this quickly, since dealing with anxiety and panic takes most of your precious time in life, that most people around you won´t understand, while you lose money, opportunities, love, marriage and business, thus making your life an exhausting, illness-overcoming constant effort on every single day.


      • Pam Reply

        George…your comments are exactly what I have done. I searched and searched for help, God lead me to Barry’s program. I pray strongly every day off and on continuously thanking the good Lord. I am a stronger person because of all of this. I have to be, if I can get thru this I can do anything! 🙂

        • george Reply

          Hi Pam, Great you found the Lord in the frist place and that He lead you to Barry´s program. Same thing happen to me. I guess Barry might have been chosen by Jesus knowing so many people praying for help. This is how He create angels, lucky Barry. Think of this, He created tomatoes and sugar cane, so we could use the intelligence He also gave to us to be able to put some Ketchup on our fries and burguers. He choose and work on people like Barry when deciding help is needed somewhere and somehow, to be able to answer prays.

  • Elisa Reply

    I am a teen and I couldn’t understand why I was having heart-attack like symptoms at such an early age. I would force myself awake all night and pray because I was too afraid to fall asleep. I later discovered that these were panic attacks and that they were actually triggered by severe food allergies. I searched long and hard for useful tips to help me overcome them, but with no success until I subscribed for your mini-series. Thank you so much for the life-changing tips!

  • Wasel Reply

    Thank you so much for the insight you bring us through the panic away mini course

  • Cristina Chang Reply

    I sincerely thank you for sending me the e-mails as I am trying my very best to overcome the anxiety. In fact, I feltl very encouraging after reading your e-mails when the panic attacked me. I appreciate it very much!

  • santiago ramirez Reply

    thank you for the e-mails they’re really helping me out I dont have words to thank you MUCHAS GRACIAS DIOS LOS VENDIGA.

  • Shavonna Reply

    OMg! you’ve truly said everything dat I feel. You’re amazing and I don’t know whr I’ll be if it wasnt for me reading these emails. Man I just really hope I can get over this I wanna start living my life again. But thank you sooo much for your true, inspiring words. GOD BLESS

  • Claire Reply

    Just reading your regular emails is comforting. I am 7 months pregnant and had my first bad panic attack out of the blue and in the middle of the night, a couple of months ago, after a break of about two years. It was just when I felt less sick so I guess it may be hormone linked. I’m now anxious about how I will be after the baby is born when my hormone level drops radically and how I will cope with being bed bound for a few days. However I have gradually managed to calm myself down at night time. I am waking at 4 a.m. every morning but most mornings now I manage to go back to bed and back to sleep quite quickly. I am also less anxious in the house during the day. I know it could happen again so am being careful to keep my little support kit nearby at night time. Paper bag, cooling gel pack, water, small soft teddy to squeeze. It’s wonderful to be able to start relaxing again. I just hope this doesn’t spoil the arrival of our very precious first baby in October.

  • nicij Reply

    i am new to all of this, and have been dealing with anxiety for years now…. but mostly panic attacks are what i can not handle. i am so unbelievably thankful for these emails, and can honestly say i never thought the day would come where i would actually be interested, and take something serious, when everyone is very easy to dismiss me and what i am trying to tell them. i always either get made fun of, or treated like its not really a big deal. the scary thing is that i feel like i am honestly dying inside… and i cry to just think ten years into the future…. that had always just made me sick…. panic attacks are seriously the worst thing in the world to deal with, and i have restricted my life so much and so badly because everything makes me nervous and scared.. things i used to love to do or talk about, i can’t even think about now withought getting all anxious. i just wanted to say after the past wk though after getting all of these emails, and watching videos, and reading other posts, it has helped me so much!!!! i can’t believe how much i have been able to grip life a little more, and i know eventually i will kick it.. i know it… and i just wanted to say from the bottom of my heart more than anything in the world thank you so much, you have no idea how much this has all helped me!!!

  • Naval Billimoria Reply

    Dear Barry,

    I came across your website last week. I suffer from anxiety of travel for the last 15 years. I have not taken a flight in 10 years. I had not been on an inter city fast train in 10 years. I do drive and take all local transport but somehow I had this fear of long distance transport maybe something to do with speed or being out of control. I have been off loaded from a plane beacuse I got a severe panic attack when boarding. I have been reading the emails that you sent me for controlling panic and anxiety and fear of flying. Today, after 10 years, with help from my wife, I boarded a inter city train and stayed on it for 30 minutes. I nearly did not board but finally I jumped in. The first 5 minutes were very very scary. I just stood and held onto a pole and did not look out but concentrated on your advice to tell the anxiety to increase. I had sweaty palms and my heart was racing but after 5-7 minutes I was a bit calmer and soon it subsided. On the way back it was a bit easier. I must add that I took a valium an hour before the journey.

    Thank you very much for the advice. This is the first step to conquer anxiety. I will be subscribing to your panic away program

    Thanks and regards

    Naval Billimoria

  • kel Reply

    Thank you so much!!! Barry. Having these problems is the worst nightmare in my life.
    I lost 3 years of my youth and lost many friends. I been searching all over the net for solutions and happen to come upon this site a weeks ago. I must say you understand the most of the problems than anyone i know and any site i found! I believe you have help so many people other than those who comment here.

    God send you here to help us people with anxiety. I believe if you become a doctors, you will be able to help more people. I must say my anxiety problems has improve a lot and i feel less stress and fears. Its amazing really!

    For everyone like me who has anxiety problems, it’s scaring and felt like dying when it strikes you, but please believe us, you must not run for the first time if not it will become harder to handle.

    When it first strikes you, trust me! NOTHING will happen to you, NOTHING will happen to your family! NOTHING will happen to WHATEVER you fear will lost and gone!!! It’s only a fear for a while.

    I been having 4-6 attacks for the past 3 years and i know its not much but i have been staying at home for the past 2 years with no jobas and friends. Now, i been staying outside and starts to make some friends for the past weeks after reading this sites. This site has amazing power as i keep reminding myself that nothing will happen to what im fearing at. Those 4 attacks makes me fear and i admit, i escape from the fear. Im a coward. I dont care what people think about me being a crazy person. I just tried to focus on my own problems and solving it.

    I can’t say im fully cured from anxiety but at least i had less of it and being able to stay outside for a long period of time makes me more confident to face the future attacks. However, i believe the attacks will strikes me again but i will keep coming to this site to see those articles as it has magical power!

    It’s that powerful and im so appreciate that i wrote so much of comments just to show appreciation to Barry for helping me!

    Lastly, everyone with anxiety problems like me, dont fear. YOU are NOT alone! There is a lot of people that has the same problems as you. Don’t give up on yourself, dont think about what people thinks about you! Everyone has weakness and humans are fragile. When the attacks comes, just dont fear, if you overcome it, YOU THE MAN! YOU the HERO! You WIN! If you escape, dont worry. You are not a coward!!! We will one day win the fear! Nothing will happen to use when it strikes us! BELIEVE!!!

  • Cooper Reply

    THis really helped me today..I felt like I was taking a huge step backwards only to realize its part of the healing process.. I dont feel like I am the only one experiencing these sensations. I know that I will get better as I had gone several years without feeling this way.. I chose to ignore that I had a problem and never really dealt with it. Now I am and I really feel better reading these posts:) I put faith in God and I know that with time I will feel better and regain my confidence..

  • Mary Reply

    I would just like to thank you for the great help i’m getting from ur mini courses. I have been on medication for a year now to lessen my anxiety and to stop the attacks, they have eased considerably but at times i feel like they’re waiting in the wings to pounce whenever i’m not looking. Your tips and your faith in the fact that u can live a life free of panic attacks is really helping me to become more positive, and to face them head on. I am a single parent and being strong for my children has made me try to do whatever it takes to prevent panic from taking over every aspect of my life. Thank you so much and continued success with your program.

  • Anna Reply

    I have struggled with panic and anxiety for many many years. Over the past few months it has gotten a lot worse and I turned to your program and some other sources of help. You have great insight in what it is like to have panic attacks and you are very skilled and creative in coming up with ideas as to what to do about it. But more than that, they work! Thank you so much!

  • Tessa South Africa Reply

    I have not yet bought the program but have been receiving the emails and i already feel calmer and less panicky just knowing that there are thousand of people out there experiencing what i have been experiencing in varying degrees of severity for 20 years or more. We are not alone. And it seems there is help after all. I have avoided using drugs for the GAD and have recently been much more vigilante about what i put into my mouth. Especially alchohol/caffeine/ refined carbohydrates. They really make you feel much worse and increase panic and anxiety levels enormously.I think this is going to help me more than anything I Have tried.. Good Bye forever Panic Attacks. I am stronger and braver than you think

  • gail clemens Reply

    hello i am too a sufferer of anxiety .i have had it happen 4 times to me and stay but leave with help of xanax and coping skills but this time it started oct28th 2005.i have had so many labs and other test done told anxiety .have been in the crazy house more then 3 times to try and control with change of med to ativan and that didnt work along with one visit there i was givin effexor with my xanax was never so sick but no one said anything .i ended up at a facility praying they would help me but ended up giving me with my xanax with lexapro dont even remember day.i cant function anymore .affects me from head to toe.breakthrough anxiety attacks ,weeping uncontrolable tremors blurry visions shakes ,numbness have agoraphobia ,heart palpatations ,dizzy spells,i am a mess and it will be 5 years the 28th of this month.i am glad to hear stories on here and for others to know what happens with the anxieties.i feel so alone cause i no longer have friends ,family ignrore me and the relationship ive had for over 10 years is a nightmare to live with all think i can deal with this alone and need no help.more to say but i can tell you thank you for the emails im trying them as well as i can .and pray i can be myself again as i was just about 5 years ago before i moved in here with him .thanks again for the emails

  • socorro salajog Reply

    hi barry i am excited to read my email from you everyday regarding issues of panic away. i am suffering it for 15yrs & no cure permanently. i take traquilizer everytime there is unexpainable fear esp afraid of having a heart attack or stroke, this usually trigger when under stress. but now am confident that the next time it will trigger i will be courageous to face it w/out taking rivotril traquilizer. i glorify God for His goodnss that i found your website. thank you so much. by faith i feel confident i can overcome panic anxiey. i hope those people who hv this anxiety thruout the world whom you have helped healed will pray for you for truly you are God’s instrument for us, victims! God bless!

  • Linda Reply

    My anxiety has gotten so bad that I am frequently self medicating with alcohol. I read Panic Away about a year ago and need to find it and re-read it. It did help with my GAD. I do not have panic attacks, but always seem to have a general sense of anxiety. I am mortified that I am so weak that I am turning to alcohol to dull the anxiety. I have not told friends or family as I could not handle the consequences and would become even more anxious. It’s a terrible vicious circle! Is anyone else dealing with this type of problem? Thanks Barry for your program. I’m sure it will help when I take the time to find the book.

  • Lori Reply

    My anxiety seems to come in waves, months to even years apart. I am learning that just because my heart is racing I am not going to die, and if I do, it was my time according to the Lord, and had no control over it anyway. I am slowly but surely giving the Lord control over my life, so I can have control thru Him and can smile day to day.

    God Bless all of you.

  • June Reply

    Berry I would like to thank-you for the time you take to help me and all the other people who have suffer from
    anxitety ,agoraphobia .I know that you had this because you would never be able to write about the way you do. I pray someday I will be able to overcome my fear and live my life without fear.
    May God Bless You for helping us.

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