Dr Ron Meyers and his family

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Did you know? :

  • That stress response uses up and actually forces out nutrients—particularly nutrients the body needs to get and remain calm!
  • The daily symptoms of chronic anxiety are actually your body’s way of telling you that it needs key nutrients.
  • The right nutrients create a buffer zone between you and anxiety

Dr Ron Meyers, B.A, B.S,
M.A., M.S., DC.

Founder of BreakFree
from Anxiety.

Dr. Ron Meyers was the Clinical Director of the BioScience Nutrition Institute. For over 30 years, Dr. Meyers specialized in the assessment and treatment of generalized anxiety and internal disorders, with an emphasis on diet, exercise and nutritional support whenever possible. Dr. Meyers also served as a college professor, author, and international lecturer on multiple leading edge health topics. Dr Meyers sadly passed away in 2014 but his wife Polly and son Josh continue his excellent work through the Dr. Meyers’ clinic.

Will Benefit from the BreakFree Program?

if you suffer from one or more of the following this program is for you:

This nutrition program is based on the combined effort and research of the lifetime work of Dr. Ron Meyers and his wife, Polly.

Dr Ron Meyers and his family

Nothing in the BreakFree Program
conflicts with anxiety or depression medications!

This nutrition program is based on the combined effort and research of the lifetime work of Dr. Ron Meyers and his wife, Polly, co-founders of Break Free From Anxiety. Dr. Meyers’ lifetime passion to create the program came from a desire to help both his wife and son who were severely disabled by panic attacks and related depression.

The “In-Home, How-To? BreakFree Program is the same program Dr. Meyers and his wife developed and have used successfully for years to help thousands of their patients stop being overwhelmed by the feelings of the Chronic Stress Response.

The program is unlike others in that it took Dr. Meyers years to find the right quality and combination of nutritional support to effectively end the daily sensations of an anxiety disorder.

This break-through program would cost you thousands of dollars if you were a patient in Dr. Meyers’ clinic. Because they believe this is so vitally important, they designed a in-home program that contains the exact information and nutrients you would receive if you were a patient in Dr. Meyers’ clinic – at a fraction of the cost!

Break Free has changed my life dramatically

" I've been associated with Dr. Ron Meyers and his BreakFree Program and products for almost two years. I've had notable anxiety issues in my life for over 35 years. It took a midnight emergency run to the hospital to get me to be serious about what Dr. Meyers' practice has to offer. I can say, without exaggeration, that he undoubtedly saved my life during that trying time period. His BreakFree Program, including well-formulated and powerful products, have changed my life dramatically.


“I went from 15 panic attacks a day to one everty so often?

I have been taking the BreakFree Program and I went from 15 panic attacks a day to one every so often. I haven't had one in three or four weeks. I had to really think about when I had the last one. I feel great and all I have to say if you have panic attack or anxiety I think everyone should get on this program. It works.

Deborah del Valle, El Cajon CA

I’ve been looking for this for years

As the creator of the Panic Away program that has sold over 70,000 copies worldwide, I am so excited about by what the Meyers family have achieved with their nutritional support program.

Over the years I have been looking for a nutritional company that really understood anxiety disorders and who would provide high quality nutrition supplements, -but I never could find such a company.

At least none that I trusted. All I could find were quick fix herbal supplements that never delivered lasting results.

When I came across Break Free, I started taking the supplements to see what effect they had. Although I do not suffer from anxiety now, I could still feel a significant difference in how stress was affecting me less. It was like I could undergo a great deal more daily stress without feeling the sharp impact of it.

In essence the buffer between me and stress has been greatly enhanced through the combination of supplements in this program. On a biochemical level these nutritional supplements are actually reducing the heightened sensitization anxiety creates. The key nutrients stress and anxiety robs you of are been replaced.

Many of the supplements in this program are found in health food stores but without the exact plan, strategy and correct supplements you won’t get the same result.

I think as everyone suffers from anxiety and stress should at the very least try this out for one month.

This nutritional program does the following:

  • Slow or stop the physical destruction that is being caused in your body by stress, anxiety attacks, panic attacks, and related depression.
  • Control your symptoms so that it will become easier for you to practice a course like Panic Away, which in turn will re-imprint your brain with positive responses.
  • Begin supporting your body nutritionally so that organs such as your adrenal glands will begin to calm their inappropriate “hair trigger? responses to inappropriate stimuli, thereby decreasing the severity or eliminating entirely your symptoms.
  • Enhance your body’s innate ability to heal itself by giving it the nutrition it needs to repair and rebuild, reversing cellular destruction and increasing your overall health.
  • Help you reduce or eliminate your need for medication.
  • Get you into a position where you can break free from anxiety, stress, panic attacks, and the related depression.

Based on the very latest in scientific research. The BreakFree Program treats all anxiety at the root relieving people who may have been suffering for years!

The BreakFree Program’s success is based on the following scientific principles:

Scientific research has shown that stress and anxiety actually use up and even force out nutrients from your body that are in conflict with the fight or flight response. Those same nutrients that are used up and forced out are the identical nutrients that are needed by your body to keep it calm and relaxed. When these nutrients are not replaced, it is virtually impossible for your body to calm itself.

In a genetic study of people who suffered from panic disorder, researchers found a genetic area with a tendency to replicate the stress response in well over 90% of the participants. The authors of the study concluded that this was not found to be a defect but rather a variation of good genes-including the fight or flight response.

Health statistics show that people who suffer from high anxiety and panic disorder suffer from other serious health conditions at a much higher rate. When the body is under stress and anxiety, huge amounts of stress hormones and chemicals are produced. If these chemicals and hormones are not removed from your body or neutralized by proper nutrition, the damage caused to the trillions of cells in your body can lead to long term, serious health issues such as heart disease, cancer, arthritis and diabetes.

Science now believes that the dangerous by-products created by stress and anxiety can damage and even kill brain cells and lead to memory loss and depression. The BreakFree Program teaches you what and how to supply your body what it needs to stop and even reverse the damage created by stress, anxiety and panic attacks.

I am a 28 year old single mom raising a four year old boy

I frequently used to get panic attacks and began researching on this condition. I bought a program. I know that God puts things in our path on purpose and I am so Blessed for he has showed me light through knowledge and knowledge has aloud me to break free literally. I want to Thank Polly and all that have created this program ensuring a healthier me internally as well as externally. Praise God. Loida Rosario Lawrence, MA

Loida Rosario Lawrence, MA

I had my first panic attack at age 27

I thought I was going to die. I got my 2 year old son up from his nap and couldn't find anyone to help me so I drove my son and me to the hospital. Polly's program, BreakFree is awesome. I feel so much more in control in my life. I've learned to control my panic and depression. I recommend this program to everyone.


What does the program include ?

  • A 30 day supply of 5 nutrients-the exact high quality nutrients Dr. Meyers has found to be most effective for you to start overcoming the symptoms and stopping the damage created by anxiety, panic attacks and related depression.
  • Complete instructions
  • Ounce marked water bottle
  • A.M. and P.M. nutrient pill containers
  • Pocket/purse pill container
  • BreakFree Manual – 154 page spiral bound BreakFree Manual.
  • BreakFree Audio Course – 16 MP3 Indexed BreakFree Audio Course on 5 CDs.

The BreakFree Program is all-natural, does not have side effects or conflict with drug or psychotherapy.

In addition, BreakFree has a 60-day money-back guarantee. Your money will be returned should you be dissatisfied for any reason.

What you will learn

Nearly 5 hours of instruction are divided into 15-20 minute, easy to understand and absorb segments. All 16 MP3s are indexed for easy reference.

  • You’ll learn ideas to painlessly control those “out-of the blue anxiety attacks.
  • You’ll learn what is happening in your body, the root cause, and how to stop the symptoms and damage caused by the Chronic Stress Response.
  • You’ll also learn a secret for finding foods and over-the-counter medications that may be making your anxiety and depression worse-and even causing your panic attacks!
  • Help you understand the relationship between what you take into your body and its effect on your moods, stress and anxiety level.
  • Exactly what nutrition you need and how to adjust it for your body’s specific requirements to lessen the symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • Learn the Big D and little d theory. A simple formula Dr. Meyers developed to help his patients understand what their body is telling them it needs to feel better and get well.
  • Should you have a set back, you’ll know how to quickly and easily calm and heal your body so you can feel great again.

Some of the benefits you’re likely to receive:

  • - Your body will be able to calm and relax itself.
  • - Compulsive, “what if? and fearful thinking is reduced.
  • - Quality of sleep improves.
  • - Symptoms disappear or are significantly reduced.
  • - With proper nutrition, body and brain cells are able to repair and replace themselves naturally.
  • - Other health issues may resolve and depression lift.
  • - Positive attitude and joy for living can be restored
  • - If you are using cognitive or drug therapy, speed of recovery is likely to be enhanced.
  • - By-products removed and neutralized thereby reducing cell damage and lowering your risk of other serious health conditions.

Take Advantage of our 60 Day Gaurantee

We are so confident that the BreakFree Program will help you feel better that we give you a full 60-day money back guarantee.

With our no risk, 60 day, money back, guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose but those horrible feelings. The only thing you have to do is give it a real try.

Did you ever have your doctor or pharmaceutical company give you your money back when you didn’t get the help you needed-even when the treatment made you feel worse?

Special Offer

Just for Panic Away Members

Order today and you will also get immediate access to Fear Less Live More audio program (value $97)

Special Offer for Panic Away Members


includes special bonus - Fear Less Live More Audio Program

P.S When you order today you will also get Polly Meyer’s personal email for one-to-one support on using the Break Free program.

P.P.S You can start immediately by downloading the audios while you wait for the program to arrive.
