‘Panic Away taught me Strength, Courage, Security and Self-Reliance in ONE WEEK!’

I came across this post in the forum and thought I should share it. Panic Away member *Carly was in a bad place and suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. She thanks God that she found Panic Away. Read on to see how Carly’s progress after only one week with the Panic Away program.
Hi everyone,
If you’ve been following my posts up until now, you would know that just 2 weeks ago, I was a wreck of myself. GAD had me by my throat and mercilessly had me bended at my knees. I was about to reach the point of falling off the edge of the earth.
Two weeks ago, I asked Akua (God) to please!… please help me!, i’m alone, i’m afraid, i’m physically exhausted, i’m broken down mentally and emotionally, i’m frantic, i’m fragile, I can’t cry , I can’t breathe. And nobody understands what this feels like. I don’t wanna die, but I don’t wanna live like this. Please help me find a way to “hold-on”. Insanity was my world, two weeks ago today.
One week ago today, it was DESTINY that I happened to come across a weblink that lead me to PANIC AWAY’s video ad that described my life, and offered me the opportunity to end it. To end the insanity.
Thank Akua (God), I found you! (Panic Away and this forum). The same day, within one hour of viewing the video online, I got a good understanding of what was being asked of me and whole-heartedly opened myself up to all the possibilities, to dare myself to challenge my fear. I looked at my fear in the face, and though I trembled I did not move. In the calmness of my insanity I called its bluff, and I found my STRENGTH!!! I dared to challenge my phobias of wide and small spaces, I found COURAGE. Crowds in a restaurant, driving a car to my destination, running on a treadmill, I found SECURITY. Harnessing my panic attacks w/my newly armed techniques, I found SELF RELIANCE. Giving up my medications I found TRUST. Surviving that in a “days” work, I found my sense of SELF again. But most importantly I found HOPE.
Perhaps my desperation, and the desperation in the face of my loved ones pushed me and willed me to get better. I can think of a hundred reasons or more. But definitely sheer DETERMINATION and HOPE are the beacons that got me through.
So here I am, one week later to tell you there IS hope for everyone, doesn’t matter how long you’ve tried. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED… the possibilities are “wide open”, theres no “expiration date”… when you’re ready, armed with your courage and an attitude of fearlessness, and the trusting knowledge of the program and those who have succeeded, take a deep breath and dive-in. Think of it as a baptism, a right of passage to a better life. Freedom from fear. Freedom to start living again. Permission to leave the prison you’re in.
In a week, I am a testament to that.
Although i’m still a work in progress,
My phobias are gone.
My panic attacks seem to have dissipated.
I haven’t had an anxiety attack since.
I take no more medications.
I had one setback (but have since moved on)
I’m getting used to dealing with my bodies annoying sensations. Its boiled down to one general sensation thats with me all the time. The sensation of a compressed chest. But thats all it is… a sensation. It feels like I can’t breathe but I AM breathing. So some nights I stay up and do my breathing exercises to relax until it tells me we’re ready to go back to sleep. Something tells me this is balled up energy of anxiousness/fear/nervousness but, I believe lifestyle changes, and a renewed and healthy attitude about life will get me pass this someday.
This is manageable FREEDOM. I’m already a success! But I am aiming for the prize. A new and improved me with a life free from GAD. Is that possible? Where I am now?… its already a miracle. Thank you Akua, I knew you were there!
Thank you for sharing this. Through sheer determination and hope you have found your freedom. You should be proud of yourself!
*I changed this member’s name to Carly