The Enemy Of Our Imagination
People who experience panic attacks will often say that they feel out of control as soon as the panic is in full swing. Christian Nevell Bovee once wrote:
“Panic is a sudden desertion of us, and a going over to the enemy of our imagination.”
Doesn’t that sum it up well?
A confident self assured person can suddenly feel powerless and vulnerable as soon as the panic manifests. As the bodily sensations race, the mind jumps from logic and reason to wild fears fueled by the imagination.
The hardest part for most people to get their heads around is why they feel so suddenly powerless during a panic attack?
The automatic reaction for most to the sensations of a panic attack are to fight against it. To shut it down and end it as soon as possible. Coping techniques like deep breathing and distraction are mildly effective at best. When these techniques fail to get results, that is when the person really leaps over to ‘the enemy of their imagination’.
It goes something like this:
“I used all my coping techniques but I still feel very anxious, in fact it may be getting worse!
“What if this keeps getting worse and no help can get to me here?”
Where people run with this type of thinking their imagination will continue to escalate the fear, leaving them feeling more and more vulnerable and out of control.
The secret to regain control and come back to yourself, is to learn how to respond to the panic in an appropriate manner.
The solution is to work with the bodily sensations rather than against them.
Let me give you a small example. If you were sitting on a train and started to feel sensations that indicated the beginning of a panic attack, instead of trying to stop the experience do the opposite.
Acknowledge that you are safe, label the sensations and then tell the sensations that scare you, to get worse. If you are sweating tell your body to sweat more, if your heart is racing, tell it to race faster.
Move into the experience rather than against it.
The real panic only begins as soon as you hand over reason and control to your imagination. By moving into the experience voluntarily, you become the decision maker and therefore retain control. If you’re going to have a panic attack it is going to happen on your terms.
You empower yourself because you are directing the whole experience not handing “over to the enemy of our imagination.”
Learn more about this approach and how to apply it to various manifestations of panic and general anxiety.
Here is a small sample of how Panic Away has helped others:
…learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years- I must tell you that out of all the items you can purchase regarding anxiety related products on the internet, I learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years that I’ve had this condition.
I had been on Xanax and Klonopin for about 10 years, but this December, I decided to withdraw from it thinking I didn’t need the pills anymore according to some of the programs I ordered claiming “miracle cures”. That’s when all my symptoms started again. I felt as if I had wasted the past 20 years trying to get better.That’s when I started searching the web for home based “cures”. I ordered so many programs I started to get confused from too much conflicting advice.
Also, I was promised support but I am still waiting replies from some of the more expensive programs! You are a true gentleman, and I am going to post a very positive feedback on a website you might be familiar about called: Tapir? Talk to ya, Andy
…I prayed to God to show me what to do I experienced my first panic attack in July of this year and ended up going to the hospital by ambulance thinking I was having a stroke or heart attack! I have had a bunch of attacks since then. Monday morning I awoke to an immediate attack and prayed to God to show me what to do. To make a long story short,I was led to your website but was afraid it was like the other ones where they try to sell you their products. However, your introductory information really spoke to me and I decided to take a chance. I read your book and it gave me the tools I was searching for to deal with my attacks. I could tell immediately that you have suffered from panic attacks yourself because you spoke with authority that can only have come from having dealt with the terrors yourself.
I am 42 years of age and have been noticing the psychological effects of perimenopause (one of which is panic attacks in my case). Thanks again!! Sincerely, Cynthia
To Learn more about Panic Away:
Barry Joe McDonagh
All material provided in these emails are for informational or educational purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition.
L Thiel
I just found you on the 15th of Dec, 2009. and I can honestly say I have found more comfort and power in dealing with the panic attacks then I ever have with anything else. I have suffered with panic attacks for going on 26 years and i have never read anything that has described everything I have beed feeling all these years, or have had explained to me that the things I am feeling won’t happen, like fainting, or my lags giving out or going crazy and it has helped me in knowing I’m not alone and that does gives me great comfort. It was worth every penny if only for that, but let me tell you I tried the one movement the next day and it works, it really works.It may still suck while im going through it but it does work. I can not thank you enough. Lisa, denver,Co.
Jeff Yehia
Thanks a million i really like what you have to say and it is helping big time and i am looking forward in knowing all and getting rid of my panick attacks once and for all.
I will buy your program this week hopefully or as soon as my new credit card arrives from my bank because i lost it shopping over Christmas and i only keep one on hand but you can put me down for purchase 100%.
M Rai
Hello there..i’ve been reading your mini course since friday…and i went to the grocery all by myself yesterday..i was able to control my panic attacks yesterday..but after fighting it many times..i feel sooo drained all over..but i can control it everytime i feel some sensation…thanks to you and your comforting words..God Bless!!!
im only 14 years old and i found my self having panic attacks so i looked how to stop them i read your 20 second method to tell your panic attack to bring full panic in 20 seconds well i laphed at it i thougth it was funny but then a couple days later i had a panic attack so i thought i should try it so i started laphing as i did it and it realy worked i ended up laphing at the fact that it was like the attacks were scared to bring ful panic so thnks for the msg and help
Hi, I try what you told me to, when it happen don’t go against it, ask for more or tell yourself to have more. When I have panic attack, I tell myself in my mind ,so this is panic attack, come on body gave me more attack I want some more. Then belive it or not it just stop. Also sometime when I could feel my heart pounding hard and fast all I do just say it inside my head wow so this is panic attack and tell my heart to pound harder but it don’t the pounding just stop. So to people out there who have panic attack just ask for it. When you are having it just ask for it right then to have some more then it would stop.
Thank you for your helful advice I am stil having stress or panic attack problems but am hopeful of following your advice I will overcome these things regards Ted
For the past month I have been suffering from mostly nighttime panic attacks. This began innocently, while sitting in church, after being panic-free for about the last 3 yrs. I am no stranger to panic attacks-suffered my first one while preg. with my 2nd child during a terrible respiratory illness and have dealt with recurring memories/sensations of my near strangulation/near massive stroke caused by a tumor when suffering from Hodgkin’s Disease 15 yrs ago, so naturally anything that affects my ability to breath (or if I perceive it to), now just sends my nervous system into a tizzy. So I felt blindsided as I happily watched my 7 yr old daughter sing with her church choir on a Sunday morning in December, and immediately began a fresh cycle of terror —something of which I was CERTAIN was dealt with emotionally, in therapy, with meditation, at one point–medication. I was secure in the knowledge that so long as I now understood the origin of the attacks and just the knowledge that that’s all that they are, and nothing medically wrong, then I could be they would not come after me anymore. I was certain I had all of the tools I needed and panic was a thing of the past. Fast forward from that morning in December (only 1 month ago) to just 3 nights ago before I signed up for your mini course and now my quality of life had rapidly deteriorated to this:
While making dinner for my 4 children I took 1/2 pill Klonopin as prescribed several yrs prior for panic attacks. My hands shook slightly, slight dizzy spells were coming and going, my chest felt tight, I found it uncomfortable to breathe.
About 2 hours later, feeling no relief from general anxiety (as nighttime approached–my evening of horror when insomnia and panic had become its worst)….I took another 1/2 pill Klonopin
Bedtime: No relief, only more anxiety about the night’s events to come. Moved onto to taking Ambien (as also prescribed yrs prior for my panic/night wakings) Fell asleep.
Awoke 4 hrs later with heart racing, could not breath. Took another 1/2 dose Ambien. Prayed, suffered through and finally passed out still in a state of sheer terror.
Exhausted the next morning(again), and by this point basically never recovering between rapidly firing attacks at night and in a general state of anxiety and depression by day, I filled out your form for the mini course. That evening I received my first newsletter already sharing the technique of attempting to bring on my panic attack at the location that triggers them the most. That for me?? The bed! I got my children to bed alone–as usual since my husband must live out of state 4-5 days of every wk for work for the past yr (see where much of this all began?), went to the bedroom, closed the door, shut off the lights, jumped in to bed and said, “Bring it on.” This amazing thing happened……… some point I fell asleep. No anti anxiety meds, no sleep aid-nothing. I awoke around 4-5 hours later, somewhat panicked and tried your technique again and………. fell back to SLEEP! Unbelievable. I am so grateful and so hopeful and although I have much work to do-I’m ready to do it b/c I’d all but given up and had myself convinced I was slowly drifting from my children, my husband, my happy life into what I envisioned to be a mental hospital–a place where I would live out the rest of my life in this living hell where no one could reach me again. I shake my head as I type that b/c now it just sounds ridiculous. I’m not going anywhere, I’m ordering your full course and I’m taking baby steps to really learn how NOT to let it get to this point again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Dear Kelly at 6:06 a.m.
Okay I have read your comment and you are the first person I have heard has these night attacks. With or without Ambien. I just started having this issue about 6 weeks ago after falling and hitting my head. I just started reading these notes and I am glad to say I am not the only one dealing with this or entirely losing my mind(I have to convince myself of this). My husband also travels and I am scared to be alone. How did we conquer this and not let it control our lives. It is affecting my work and myself. I would not wish this on my wort enemy.
I will wake up in the middle of the night suddenly with sweating, shortness of breath, tingling in my arms. UGH! I try to talk myself down then get up and go to the living room. Sitting up on the recliner to sleep with the television on seems to be my safe haven lately.
I am totally at a loss and depressed. I just wish I could have my life back.
Thank you so much for your advice on is certainly very helpful to me. it may seem difficult to do it but i believe i can do it with your help and advices.. i have been helping myself with alot of your useful tips and help..once again thank you..
i don’t think i get this feeling feel out of control, i just feel i don’t know whats going on around me, & at times it can be frustrating for me when i get this funny symptons like dizzyiness, feel unwell and i have dread thoughts incase i get one 2day.
wow this is gonna be hard for me to do the opposite but i will try my best to think different rather to panic.
From Susie
I am so glad i have found this advice i have suffered from panic attacks since i was 11 on and off.They are back this time really bad my main worry is that i was going mad i am now 40 and feel like a frightend child again. The worst part for me is the sense of feeling out of my body not connected which i know sounds crazy and the sense of loosing realitie which again sound crazy.I have become house bound as i am terrified to go to far from home, i get really dizzy and this is almost like a drunk feeling only unlike been relaxed im at the top end of the anxiety scale. Even indoors i have to move from room to room its as if im trying to get away from myself (the truth is im trying to get away from the feeling and horrible sensations).
silly things can trigger it off a bright light or lots of noise to many people i was getting really horrible anxiety in the supermarkets and then had a bad panic attack in one, hence every time i would go ide have another one so in the end i dont go.This is not me im normally so in control and i think this is what is so terrifieing.Some times i jump out of bed haveing a panic attack in the middle of the night then comes the almost out of body exsperience and derealisation that totally freaks me out i think its not going to stop and ile get to a place of no return. I have the shakes and dizzyness most of the day with the anxiety then added with the panic attacks i can be so exausted but that does not make me sleep any better.Its hard talking to people about it because most think you are mad or they just tell you to pull your self together which is the worse thing i think they can say because you live with the guilt that you cant snap out of it anyway(i wish i could) nobody knows what its like untill you go threw it yourself(which i would not wish on my enemys not that i have any) I am not a tablet person not even a paracetomol only very rarely but i had to give in two weeks ago although ide been given them by the docs a month ago but i was to frightened to take them but gave in last week im on 10mg of citalopram she told me to up them to 20mg after a week but again im to scared and are not sure if these have made me worse? i get tight chested sometimes and feel short of breath but i no this is the panic .To every body out there who is going threw this you are not alone ive tryed to tell you all of the things that happen to me so if you relate to any it can ease your mind for you to no you are not alone in this horrible state . thanks panic away i hope in time thats where my condition is far far far away. god bless.
Hi Elaine.
I can relate to much of what you describe. Thanks for sharing. It is nice to know I am not the only one.
I would like to say that I have experienced a panic attack maybe once a year and they never really frightened me. I just thought that I am tired or did not eat well. But past two weeks my life has changed. I have from two to five panic attack a day. In the morning on my way to work, at work, while I go to super market and it is driving me crazy. first I get disorientated, after I get short of breath, I feel I can not breath..this feeling scares me and after I just falling appart. i am reading all your comments and it is helping.
I am seeing a psychologist tomorrow and see what will happen. I will definitely purchase the book and I will read it. I feel so depressed all this is happening to me, I would never think I would be afraid to go out on my own.
Hi Elaine,
I also can relate to just about everything you are talking about.
It is hard to explain to psychologists just how many panic attacks I have over a certain week because my general state of anxiety is so high. As soon as I wake in the morning, I medicate myself with Alprazolam during breakfast to stop the anxiety from getting so high that I can actually leave the house and always keep this medication with me. I have been told by doctors that this drug should not be taken on a regular basis and I do not wish to take it on a regular basis because it makes me feel more numb than anything which is good for the anxiety but it also makes me feel numb to normal pleasures also. I just do not know how to stop now as I have been taking this medication regularly now for two years and the thought of waking up and not having it, allready begins to send shivers down my spine and panic begins to creep in.
The dizziness and confusion i feel from my anxiety makes it impossible to work or communicate with people because my mind is racing so fast that I cannot keep track of what people are saying. When people are talking to me I feel like I am outside of my body almost looking on at what is happening but unable to do anything about it.
I could keep going on and on about all these other sensations and things which trigger me to jump out of my skin, but I guess everyone here will allready understand what I am talking about.
It wasn’t until I read your note though Elaine until I found someone else who really suffers in the same way as I do. That is that heightened sense of anxiety all day, not the problem of feeling when a pannic attack may be coming on but rather having that feeling all day that a panic attack IS coming on.
Hello guys im really glad that i found this web site and im thankful for the people who share their stories this program has really help me stop the vicious cycle of panic attacks and negative thinking, i now have more respect and understanding for the human mind cause id givin it the power to control my daily life with fear n anxiety.So about 1month ago i started getting some weird feelings that i hadnt experienced before which were anxiety,increased heart rate,tingly face n neck, and a stomach nought that would always cause me to go to the bathroom cause i was so scared for no reason but out of all of these sensations the worst for me personally was what was going on inside my head the negative thoughts,worries, past actions in my life and religious stuff like is God punishing me for losing faith and growing distant from him im only 26yrs old and over the last few years ive been questioning WHY WHY WHY would god let the things that we see in our daily news happened so i started to questioning my faith. Anyway i started reading these book and i must say that it has trully helped my anxiety and attacks i just follow the steps and stay in a positive state of mind cause i believe that its my mind that is making my body sick cause i allow it too i just take it one day at a time and thats good enough for me i’ll worry about tomorrow when it gets here, ive read allot of the posts that some people write and i feel so bad for them cause these things that we experience are so hard and scary but guys please keep your head up and keep fighting dont let the Attacks win i’ll keep you guys in my prayers, thank you Barry Joe McDonagh cause i now know that im not going crazy.
i am so happy to av found this site,im only 21 but have suffered with panic attacks for 3 years now and they have got so bad they are stopping me from going outside. i found this site on tuesday 16th feb 2010 and on wensday 17th i left my house and went for a walk i couldnt believe it, dont get me wrong im not fully over it but im on the road to recovery thanks to this site and the e-mails im getting, im usually a strong person and im determined not to let this disorder get the better of me.
I started having anxiety and panic attacks when I was about 11 years old. I stopped having them between the ages of 16 and 28 but they have came back. Because of my anxiety I do not like going into public places because I am afraid I will pass out or get sick to my stomach. I dont like being alone because I am afraid of havin a heart attack. General Anxiety has put boundries on my life. I have been reading Panic away and already feel better. I will be going on a business trip next week for 4 days and I am ready to do it and start my new life. I think if your will to truely try these techniques anybody can quickly overcome anxiety
Sandy Alston
I’m on my way from misery to happiness today…xoxoxo…
found this site last week. very gud. the BEST source available on net for panic related issues.
its been amazing that i m far from the panic attack.i have this experience before but now i came to know how to get ride from panic attack as i m now reading your website.its help me a lot and gave me more power and encourage to live.thank you very much.i ll always read and try myself to live in this happy world.
i really wants to thanks this site coz its help me a lot to get my new life.i have been taking medicine for last 1 yr but now when i get this site and read i totally change the way i think and live.i m very happy to be the reader of this site and i ll always read this till the end.thank you very much.
Thanks heaps, the advice you give is brilliant, so appreciated you have no idea!!
Wow! This is an awesome site! I have always been in control and one day it seemed like my entire world was turned upside down. I used to work out 3 times a day and now it is a struggle just to work out for 30 minutes because my body seems to be so exhausted all the time. I have gone to the emergency room about 7 times in 2 months because of the panic attacks. The emergency room attendants run the same test and tell me that I am in perfect health but I have issues breathing, trembling, heart palpations; my mind simply racing out of control. I was given Klonopin by my doctor and I took it for about 2 weeks but I am not a pill person so I stopped taking the medication. The Klonopin seemed to help me sleep but I just don’t want to rely on a drug to keep me going. I believe that God did not give me a Spirit of fear but of love, joy and a SOUND mind. I am trusting God for my complete healing and I do believe this program/website was heaven sent. God gives wisdom and knowledge and I can certainly say that Barry Mcdonagh has been graced by God to touch the lives of many through the techniques in this program. I have learned a lot just from the emails you sent. Thank you and I pray God’s blessings upon you.
To all out there suffering this dreaded feeling,i would like to tell you my story
My little brother died in a car accident 5 years ago,i was awake for 2 days,stressed and fatigued
Driving home which takes half an hour on the freeway i felt this overwelming sensation from toes go right threw my body,boiling hot,then cold,my chest caved in,i couldnt breath,this was it i was GOING TO DIE (i thought at the time anyway
So for the past 5 years i have tried councelling,ant,depressants,ant anxiety,zanax,meditation,you name it,i would just take serapax all day to zone myself out,i work and am a single parent,this was not doing my kids any good or myself,Last week was the final episode for me,had to be taken by ambulance to hospital,then again 2 days later,i didnt want to be here anymore,it was just too hard and terrifying.
I have purchased this book now and its a god ,am not on any tablets,just reading and using the tools in this book are AMAZING,If reading my story can help even one person get their confidence and life back then i will be more than happy
thanks barry it was really effective,,, maraming salamat..
live by faith
i just want to order panic away bcoz i am dealing with social anxiety or fear of public speaking. I don’t know what’s happening to my body during my anxiety moments. it’s like i am losing control over my body. I’m always praying to God to take this away but maybe God has a good reason why this things are happening to me. Sometimes i skip class just to escape my reports but actually i really want to do my reports…My head is so heavy….I know there is always hope…and God will never forsake me….I hope this panic away will help me.
I had my first attack at age 20…that was 23 years ago. I was misdiagnosed by nearly every Dr. that I was to see. Everything from Astsma to early onset lung deterioration. This immoballized me for years. Every activity revolved around my panic attacks. I was finally able to figure out and get get cotrol of them on my own until a Dr. put me on a drug called, Klonpin, seven long years ago. I recently decided to stop taking this drug and the anti depressant not knowing the dangers of Klonpin withdrawl. Needless to say this has been the most horrifying six weeks of my life. Thanks to this wonderful site, I feel that there are people who actually care, and this site is a logical guage to help me once again battle the panic. I urge everyone to look at what your Dr. is persribing you! Benzodiazapine drugs are dangerous and should not be used to treat this disorder for years on end. If you are on, Klonpin, Valium, Xanan or other drugs, do your research. This site is a wonderful weapon against these terrifying attacks. And natural, safe and sane will always win out!!!
Martin Brown
Wow! After almost 10 yrs. dealing with this constant anguish being scared to do almost anything that required giving up control, I now realise that letting go of that control and asking this beast to give me more is really what I have been missing. I have developed agoraphobia with driving over the past 2 yrs. Scared of what might happen while out there. I know I have a lot of work to do, but this has really inspired me to move out of fear and into a place of peace and freedom. I look forward to ordering your program and I thank you so much for sharing these tips. There is nothing more empowering than hearing someone who has gone through this fight and won!
Thank You and God Bless,
What helps me is that I read when your heart start racing that is no worse at all the someone who just did an aerobic workout so its not harmful even though it feels like it is. None of the symptoms will hurt u just very uncomfortable. The info I get in my emails help alot to…thank u.
Neal Pendleton
I am seventy – eight years old and know what panic anxiety is all about because I have suffered from it for many years. I think your program is excellent and about time some mention was given to paradoxical intention and the psychology of Dr. Voctor Frankl, whom I met, in the late fifties when he visited Loyola University in New orleans to introduce his book, The Doctor and the Soul. It is an absolute shame that logotherapy is not practiced more, instead of the reliance on drugs. I suspected your program followed the same criteria with the single step approach of not fleeing from fear and was delighted to sign up. Perhaps I could be of some assistance, but really don’t know how, since I am not in the medical, but architectural profession.
hello all ive had pannick attacks since 9, im 44 now and have been house bound for 12 years now, it brings it home to u how u use to do things and now u cant, ive had them so bad, once i was getting out of my car,and i would shut the car door on my leg just to get rid of the feeling,u loose reality,and loose control of how u feel,i was put on dizapan, years a go first, they didnt help then other tablets still no gd, and then dothapin for ten years then my stupid doctor told me just before she retired that the tablets wasnt for anxiety, so i was on them for no reason,only ppl that have had the pannic attacks them will understand,i dont like being left on my own,i always cry after ive had one,cause i feel stupid, of how old i am,i want to come of my tablets,but because i have been on them for so long find it hard to,i had a bad childhood,i was bullied bad at school, then would go home, and my dad would beat me,and then wen i use to go out i was bullied there to so i think the fear of them years have caught up with me,and my mum kicked me out of my meant to be home for no reason at 14,well im ganna try anything to get my life bk on track before its to late,
Wow! I thot l was alone but after visiting ur site ve discovered that am not alone. Panic attack s affecting so many ppl. May God continue to give u wisdom to help us. God bless u abundantly
Thx a lot for the precious info and help concerning panic away.
Infact for the last ten years I thought the disease is incurable and am the only one suffering from such problem.
I enjoy reading reading the articles and those comments from the victims.
I sincerely believe that am getting rid of the problem.
Thanks a lot a may God bless you
Hello my name is first attack happend 6months ago.It was he most awfull thing i have ever experienced
For the most of the time i have the sence of depersonalization(that i have changed in some way and it freaks me out) i’ve seen psychiatrist and she put me on Cipralex…some new inhibitors of serotonin thath will help me not having this panic disorder.I’m so scared od mental illness that i can’t think of anything else..i got depressed and i just wanna to evanish 
and the most ironically thing is that i’m studying disorders in biheviour 

I don’t know how to help myself
yeah…thanks God! I’m on hagioteraphy (meditation and praying) when other people are praying for you. But i’m starting to think that Cipralex may things go worse
Does anyone has that feeling of depersonalization? That someonthing has changed inside of you? That your personality has changed? Sorry for my bad english
Robert Watson
I started to suffer from stress and panic attacks 5yrs ago due to harassment in work by a colleague it is the most debilitating thing that has ever happened to me.
I try to explain how it feels and friends, family and employers do not understand because they do not feel those sensations.
Because of that and it is not like a physical illness they think you are some sort of nut. I was sacked from my employment in July because they treated my anxiety attack as me being problematic and aggressive. I told them I do not want to go into a room to talk as it was stressful and panicking me, I asked could we talk outside. The result was I was sacked for unreasonable behavior.
Medication do not work fully only partially so the suffering still goes on to an extent. Also due to the anxiety it has triggered other reaction problems like eczema and asthma attacks. My GP only says now that I should be feeling better from my medication but I do not so that is all the support I get.
I do know medication is only a part of the treatment and products like this are the real answers. I have yet to purchase due to my lack of having employment and money but having chance to read these comments and receiving the emails inspires me to save and source the finance for it.
Who ever reads this just remember you are not alone nor are you loosing your mind and you will conquer your fears.
Live your life with passion not fear
Regards all Rob
hello all, like every one here im glad m here! well i have been experiencing panic attacks since 2 years, i was pregnant i have no idea what happened to me, i was anxious all the time, and things just kept getting worse till i started panicking every night, i guess its still getting worse, i get panic attacks every were so i stopped driving i rarely get out of the house, i dontt know what happens but the minute i step out i start shaking, i cant breath properly, i get horrible chest pain and it ends up with a panic attack, till im home again!! so i stopped going out..i didn’t receive my panic away course yet im so excited, im really benefiting from the news letters so far so m just hoping (figures crossed) ill pass this soon i hope! because this is affection my family its soo not nice, i feel so sad, n i cant believe it..and i don want to take any kind of anti depressants i just feel it not going to help me n any of luck to all..
Hey everyone! I have been suffering from extreme panic attacks for about 5 years, the first one I had I was vaccuming and I thought I was have a heart attack. I have been to the er several time for this! After many Dr.’s telling me it was just panic attacks I went on effexor for about 2 years, I gained a huge amount of weight and felt like a zombie, the panic attacks did lessen to where I maybe had 2 in 2 years, I decided to take control of my life and stopped the meds asap (not smart withdrawl was intense) I was fine for the next 2 and a half years not having one panic attack!! Then in all the places my husband and I were on our yearly get away to Jamaica and sitting at the pool bar it happened again! I blamed it on the crazy summer we had just went through, my husband had rolled his van, I had stitches my daughter had some illness that lasted forever and had us at the er with high fevers etc..I figured I was stressed out. Looking back now I was having alot of fear of dying,I didn’t want to drive and if I did the attacks came on quick, I didnt want to get on a plane I swore it would crash! Death felt so real, now I see the more I worried about dying the panic attacks became unbearable, then with every panic attack I swore something medically was wrong with me was it my heart my brain something was wrong and I just knew it. The more I thought this the more attacks I had, I couldn’t stop thinking of them! I tired the first trick of telling it to come on while I actully drove and nothing happened I was fine!!! I love this it really REALLY works!! Im soo thankful to gain just a teeny tiny piece of control back, I feel like a whole new me already and its only been 3 days!! Thank you
“Panic is a sudden desertion of us, and a going over to the enemy of our imagination.”
Perfect explanation,thanks and keep up the great work.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
I’m only on the 3rd newsletter, but your advice is helping me incredible amounts.
I actually feel like I have the control for the first time in a looooong long time.
Im 27 yrs old, an all at once for atleast a month i had panic attacks sometmes a couple a day. I was afraid to go to the store or anywhere out of my house, but yesterday evening i PRAYED got the car keys an went to the store went out in Public an nothing happened to me. It made me feel better inside knowing that i went out in Public an nothing happened to me. I used the 20 sec. count. With the Help of JESUS an This Website, I hope to keep getting better, because i really feel better. Its Great to know that your not alone in this. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
Dear sir , Iam improved,I can delare that to myself easily. this improved back to your effort , the way still needs more front me . thanks alot , I was complicated afraid person due to my parents and i feel difficult to hold my avenge against every person was made hurt against me . I wonder if i can know what i should have done in the future to support my self .The confidence very important to over come the panic attcks during fighting .
best regards with complements,
My general anxiety attacks are mainly related to my extreme fear of death. I refrain from doing several things, petrified that something will happen to me. I even stopped eating meat because of my extreme fear of choking and dying. I sincerely hope panik away will truly help me !!!
Okolie philip
Helo, Thank you for being there for me, for your lectures and encouragement, i never believed that i could stand in a publc gathering but it deed happened. Honestly speaking, i am very appreciatful.
Please i need more of your lecture.
Thank you.
Does anyone have trouble sleeping with anxiety? I had my first panic attack on June 26th and have not had a good nights sleep since. I have been to the ER twice since June 26th with the feeling that I was having a heart attack. After 2 EKG’s, stress test, vascular sonongram, 2 chest x-rays, blood tests etc the doctors said my heart was fine. I have a constant ringing in both ears and been to see an ENT doctor. He said I had mild hearing loss and “probably” had tinnitus. He gave me a brochure for a Gingko, zinc, garlic supplement and said that it should clear up the tinnitus in 3 months. My biggest problem now is the lack of sleep… I cant go to sleep at all most nights and when I do go to sleep I wake up after an hour or so with my heart racing. I then cant go back to sleep. I am probably not sleeping over 2-3 hours a night if that. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting some sleep? I am going to see the family doctor again tomorrow with the hope that he can help with the sleep problem.
Steve, I know your hell oh so well……… felt like I had to respond. Please see what I”d posted back in January of 2010 and then another woman’s response to my post. I really was at the end of my rope and I swear to you that this panic away stuff is really the only thing that finally helped me. I still have episodes that come on, but I feel better armed with methods to diffuse them now.Sleep is still an issue depending on what’s going on in my life, how much caffiene I’ve had that day…etc. But I’m tuned in to those factors and I don’t let the symptoms create some monster. I know there’s nothing wrong with me-I’m not dying, And just like you I’d had plenty of EKG’s, xray’s, MRI’s, ear exams for inner ear issues (dizziness related), all sorts of emergency room visits before finally concluding this is what was going on…………….
February 7,2010
Kelly @ 6:06 am
For the past month I have been suffering from mostly nighttime panic attacks. This began innocently, while sitting in church, after being panic-free for about the last 3 yrs. I am no stranger to panic attacks-suffered my first one while preg. with my 2nd child during a terrible respiratory illness and have dealt with recurring memories/sensations of my near strangulation/near massive stroke caused by a tumor when suffering from Hodgkin’s Disease 15 yrs ago, so naturally anything that affects my ability to breath (or if I perceive it to), now just sends my nervous system into a tizzy. So I felt blindsided as I happily watched my 7 yr old daughter sing with her church choir on a Sunday morning in December, and immediately began a fresh cycle of terror —something of which I was CERTAIN was dealt with emotionally, in therapy, with meditation, at one point–medication. I was secure in the knowledge that so long as I now understood the origin of the attacks and just the knowledge that that’s all that they are, and nothing medically wrong, then they would not come after me anymore. I was certain I had all of the tools I needed and panic was a thing of the past. Fast forward from that morning in December (only 1 month ago) to just 3 nights ago before I signed up for your mini course and now my quality of life had rapidly deteriorated to this:
While making dinner for my 4 children I took 1/2 pill Klonopin as prescribed several yrs prior for panic attacks. My hands shook slightly, slight dizzy spells were coming and going, my chest felt tight, I found it uncomfortable to breathe.
About 2 hours later, feeling no relief from general anxiety (as nighttime approached–my evening of horror when insomnia and panic had become its worst)….I took another 1/2 pill Klonopin
Bedtime: No relief, only more anxiety about the night’s events to come. Moved onto to taking Ambien (as also prescribed yrs prior for my panic/night wakings) Fell asleep.
Awoke 4 hrs later with heart racing, could not breath. Took another 1/2 dose Ambien. Prayed, suffered through and finally passed out still in a state of sheer terror.
Exhausted the next morning(again), and by this point basically never recovering between rapidly firing attacks at night and in a general state of anxiety and depression by day, I filled out your form for the mini course. That evening I received my first newsletter already sharing the technique of attempting to bring on my panic attack at the location that triggers them the most. That for me?? The bed! I got my children to bed alone–as usual since my husband must live out of state 4-5 days of every wk for work for the past yr (see where much of this all began?), went to the bedroom, closed the door, shut off the lights, jumped in to bed and said, “Bring it on.” This amazing thing happened……… some point I fell asleep. No anti anxiety meds, no sleep aid-nothing. I awoke around 4-5 hours later, somewhat panicked and tried your technique again and………. fell back to SLEEP! Unbelievable. I am so grateful and so hopeful and although I have much work to do-I’m ready to do it b/c I’d all but given up and had myself convinced I was slowly drifting from my children, my husband, my happy life into what I envisioned to be a mental hospital–a place where I would live out the rest of my life in this living hell where no one could reach me again. I shake my head as I type that b/c now it just sounds ridiculous. I’m not going anywhere, I’m ordering your full course and I’m taking baby steps to really learn how NOT to let it get to this point again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Learn More About Panic Away Permalink Reply 1.April 13,2010
Cathey @ 7:55 pm
Dear Kelly at 6:06 a.m.
Okay I have read your comment and you are the first person I have heard has these night attacks. With or without Ambien. I just started having this issue about 6 weeks ago after falling and hitting my head. I just started reading these notes and I am glad to say I am not the only one dealing with this or entirely losing my mind(I have to convince myself of this). My husband also travels and I am scared to be alone. How did we conquer this and not let it control our lives. It is affecting my work and myself. I would not wish this on my wort enemy.
I will wake up in the middle of the night suddenly with sweating, shortness of breath, tingling in my arms. UGH! I try to talk myself down then get up and go to the living room. Sitting up on the recliner to sleep with the television on seems to be my safe haven lately.
I am totally at a loss and depressed. I just wish I could have my life back.
So how crazy is this? I have suffered for 19 years with panic, I am now agoraphobic, quit driving about 5 years ago and am petrified of being alone. I finally find this website that offers some hope and I am scared to death!!!! It asks me to bring a panic attack on and that is so against everything i have been trying to do for the last 19 years…. I want this panic, anxiety the whole thing to go away but I am so scared to let it go. Does that make sense?
I actually tried the “Do Your best to me panic attack” It worked……I asked it to come when I felt light headed and jelly legged. But when I demanded it,, it did not happen….
Normally I would say to myself “Your fine, its just anxiety and it will pass” This is what other programs tell you to do. They tell you to talk nice to yourself while its happening or breath correctly. Well this time I did not do that—I ask for it to happen. I was walking around at the video store after having a stressful morning and I felt the anxiety building inside of me. I actually was having scarey thoughts of passing out and not being able to walk out of the store and making it to my car. Then I stopped and I said “Come ON do it,, Do your worse” Then it went away. I felt better right away. I was like WOW!!!!! I thought I had to wait for the chemicals to ware off like they tell you in other programs…I did not have to wait for anything to pass. I have been tired today and I had some muscle cramps because of just stress but my anxiety has not been as high today. No Panic at all…The anxiety is there but its a lot lower…..I only tried this one time so far. I cant imagine how good I am going to feel when I keep doing this….BRING IT ON!!!!!! Panic Away has the cure for panic, fearful thoughts, and what if thinking…..It stops it….It reminded me of a time when this girl was bullying me in 3rd grade. I stayed so scrared of her. Then one day I said, “Bring it on and meet me after school and we will fight” I stayed after school and she did not show up and from then on she left me alone. Anxiety is nothing more then a Bully…
corburt erilio
Some really interesting information, well written and generally user friendly.