Step: 1 of 4
Never or almost neverSometimes - SeldomFrequentlyAlways or very often
1. I think the worst about things.
2. I worry a lot.
3. I worry about many different things.
4. I am easy to irritate.


Step: 2 of 4
Never or almost neverSometimes - SeldomFrequentlyAlways or very often
5. I have palpitations, pounding heart, or fast heart rate.
6. I experience trembling, twitching, or shaky feelings.
7. I experience shortness of breath or choking feelings.
8. I am afraid that I may lose control.


Step: 3 of 4
Never or almost neverSometimes - SeldomFrequentlyAlways or very often
9. When someone snaps at me, I think about it a lot.
10. I am nervous of crowds or talking to strangers.
11. I am worried about making a mistake or looking foolish in front of others.
12. I am concerned about what other people think of me.


Step: 4 of 4
Never or almost neverSometimes - SeldomFrequentlyAlways or very often
13. I feel uncomfortable or unsafe when things are not meticulously organized.
14. I have a hard time controlling my worry.
15. I feel compelled to do certain things over and over again.
16. I count, organize or touch things a lot when I feel stressed or anxious.
