
By Testimonials

Over the last 5 years I’ve begun to have increasingly severe anxiety that I am going to faint. In shops on planes and most recently whenever I got in the car [… ] because I am no longer scared, because I know I can control any attacks, the attacks aren’t even starting anymore. I even drove on the motorway for the first time in 5 years last week! I am back to my old and confident self.   Listen to the full message Amanda left on our answering machine explaining how she eliminated her anxiety while driving.Click the play button

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My goodness!! i don’t even know where to begin! I really want to thank you form the bottom of my heart for helping me out with this situation in my life. Your techniques are heaven sent!!! It is truly a miracle that you promised. I am amazed by how you put every thing together in words to where i can relate to it exactly. i was diagnosed with anxiety back in november, but have suffered from it til now about a little over a year. i am only twenty years old, but dont really know why i started getting this

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“I cannot believe what an impact your program has made on my life. I have lived with OCD since I was in junior high and have had severe general anxiety my whole life. Your program has given me so much. I cannot believe how quickly it worked. ” Candi called our office and wanted people to hear her success story using the One Move Technique. Click the play button below and wait for audio to start

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Why Distraction Helps Ease Anxiety

In order to quickly move away from generalized anxiety you need to throw yourself 100% into life. What is needed is to engage regularly in an activity that stimulates you, and holds your complete attention, something in which you can become completely absorbed. Something that distracts you is a very valuable tool in taking your attention away from the uncomfortable sensation of anxiety that may be lingering in your body. You see almost everyone with anxiety finds themselves getting a bit obsessed about how they feel at any given moment. The less preoccupied the person is, the more time there

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Anxiety and Public Speaking

I’ve often observed that many people’s top-ranking fear is not death but having to speak in public. The joke is that these people would rather lie in a casket at their own funeral than give the eulogy. Public speaking for people who suffer from panic attacks or general anxiety often becomes a major source of worry, possibly weeks or even months before the speaking event is to occur. These speaking engagements don’t necessarily have to be the traditional “on a podium” events; they can be as simple as an office meeting where the individual is expected to express an opinion

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Getting to Sleep and Panic Attacks at Night

As most doctors will tell you, there are two things that disturb sleep: physical pain and worry. It’s therefore understandable that many people with anxiety report frequent sleep disturbance as a major problem. Not being able to sleep can actually be quite traumatic for many people. The first thing you need to understand about sleep is this: it’s not the amount of sleep you get that’s important, but rather the quality of the sleep. Quality over quantity. I am going to give you some quick tips to help tackle any problems you are having with sleep. Firstly, to break the

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Courage and Panic Attacks

People who have never experienced a panic attack often judge the anxious person harshly. The outsider has no real comprehension of what is happening to the person experiencing a panic attack and wonders why they fear to do the simplest things. I know myself that I could not understand how overnight I went from being a confident young man to someone who became anxious of common everyday situations. Going places took on a whole new dimension as I constantly evaluated if being there might trigger a panic attack. I had to force myself to do very simple things like go

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Do you fear a panic attack could strike at any moment?

Sometimes people have the impression that their experience of anxiety is like being hooked up to an electroshock machine and that it just takes a flick of the anxiety switch to cause a flood leading to a full blown panic attack. People in this situation often feel that are lucky to make it through the day without that switch been flicked but in the back of their mind they fear that it could happen at any moment day or night. They remain on high alert anticipating it. Anticipating the big one! In fact most people who experience panic attacks fear

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Setbacks Happen On The Road To Recovery

Have you ever wondered why people often experience setbacks when they begin to tackle their anxiety? Setbacks happen because, as you face your anxiety and the situations that make you feel uncomfortable, the avoidant/protective side of your personality becomes active. When you decide to tackle your anxiety issue head on, the protective side of your personality would rather that you left well enough alone. Your protective side doesn’t like taking risks and feels better when you don’t put yourself in situations that make you feel anxious. It’s the part of you that says: “Let’s stay in our comfort zone today.

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Water Helps Ease General Anxiety!

Today I want to look at something so simple and yet equally powerful in alleviating the symptoms of general anxiety. This tip also helps reduce the frequency and strength of panic attacks. Fresh Drinking Water Water is a great quencher of thirst but more importantly here -a great quencher of anxiety. Read all about it on my blog here : Barry Joe McDonagh All material provided in these emails are for informational or educational purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any

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Gratitude Lifts The Weight of Anxiety

Let me tell you why the art of gratitude is such a great tool for ending anxious thoughts. A lot of people write telling me how their anxiety makes them feel very cut off or removed from the world around them. This sensation can be distressing as people fear that they will never be able to feel normal again. This feeling is common and in my experience is mainly fueled by a cycle of anxious thinking. A person with a panic disorder or a generalized anxiety disorder will spend much of their day mentally “checking in”. Checking in is a

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The 20 Second Countdown

Why everywhere you look are top psychologists and doctors still teaching outdated methods for treating general anxiety and panic attacks? It seems every time I do a search online there is yet another anxiety “expert” rehashing the same old ideas. Brown Paper bags, think happy thoughts, do your breathing etc. I am sure you have come across them a million times before already. How are people supposed to solve their anxiety issue if they are continuously exposed to these techniques and methods that only teach people to cope with anxiety. Just coping is not good enough. Real solutions are needed.

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Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks while shopping, driving or at work?