
By Testimonials

…I feel fantastic!!!!!!

I would like to use this opportunity to firstly thank you for "Panic Away", it is truly a book which helps people with anxiety problems. I feel fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!

To update you on my progress and feedback on the course:

During weekends I managed to find a little time alone where I started reading your book. As I read through each chapter I started to see the key areas in my life where I needed to make an effort and change a habit in order to prevent it from causing me to be anxious in latter stages.

And before I knew it my anxiety started to fade away. Especially driving on the freeway. I feel great and in control over my bodily sensations and driving now is once again one of the things I feel comfortable and safe doing. Just by using the approach, I managed to be in control of my anxiety. And strangely enough, since then I have never felt so anxious whilst driving that I needed to use the "one move" technique.

Public traveling is another story…… Especially if the trains are over crowded. There were two cases where things felt a little out of control and I applied the "one move" technique which worked superbly!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe, thank you once again. You’re literally a life saver. If there is anything you would like me to do/try, please do not hesitate to ask.

Please reply to me upon receiving this email, to ensure me that you have received this great news.

Kindest Regards

Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks while shopping, driving or at work?