
After numerous Dr. appt, one after another and medication after medication, I searched the internet for answears. God Sent me to your web site…

I want to thank you and your program for givng me my life back. I use to suffer from anxiety every once in a while this year it hit me hard.

For at least two months. I couldnt even go to work. I am a strong person. After numerous Dr. appt one after another and medication after medication, search the internet for answears. God Sent me to your web site. I thought what do i have to lose after all the money i already spent. Well i read it and implied it and that was it, I got my life back to normal, and have been for the last 5 months.

Every once in a while i feel it comming on and i use one of the techiques and its gone as fast as it came. Thank you so much for your information pamplet. I dont know what i would have done with out it.


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Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks while shopping, driving or at work?