Barry, your technique is amazing. I just wanted to thank you for helping me deal with this condition. My last 6 months have been just filled with constant worry. I would drive around anxious of what might happen, I was scared to go to work, and i was prohibiting myself from enjoying the outgoing life that I had once had.
I only purchased the Panic Away program 2 weeks ago, and i am already feeling 100% more confident in myself than I was before.
The daytime anxious feelings are now(...)

I have lived with OCD since I was in junior high and have had severe general anxiety my whole life. Your program has given me so much. I cannot believe how quickly it worked.
From America

Hi Barry, I am so glad you reached out to me. I want you to know that your technique worked and I no longer suffer from Panic Attacks. Prior to purchasing your book I went to a therapist, and my attacks were only getting worse.
I knew they had nothing to do with childhood trauma or any other aspect the therapist was focusing on. I was frustrated because I wanted her to help me manage the panic, now, not spend time figure out what was causing them.
The panic attacks began to(...)
For at least two months. I couldn't even go to work. I am a strong person. After numerous Dr. appt one after another and medication after medication, search the internet for answers. God Sent me to your web site.
I thought what do i have to lose after all the money i already spent. Well i read it and implied it and that was it, I got my life back to normal, and have been for the last 5 months.
Every once in a while i feel it coming on and i use one of the techniques and its gone as(...)

The doctors would always tell me "it's in your head." I guess to a point it is in my head. People become overwhelmed with so much, and the anxiety and panic become worse. I have had so many hardships happen to me, and NOBODY cared.
This is the first time someone has ever given me something I could truly heal with. I wish there were ten million people likeyou on the face of the earth. If there were more people like you, so many people would be without these problems.
Thank you again.(...)

After all this time suffering and trying everything else - I paid and received your book. No money can make me give the knowledge of THE ONE MOVE back! Who would??? Thank you so very much and hope that the good thoughts of all people you have helped and will help will get back to you!!!

Always in the morning on the way to work at one particular place. Since practicing the One Move technique I feel I look forward to driving again. I am not afraid anymore of having an attack - which is extraordinary! -I cannot thank you enough."
From the Uk

Over the last 5 years I've begun to have increasingly severe anxiety that I am going to faint. In shops on planes and most recently whenever I got in the car [... ] because I am no longer scared, because I know I can control any attacks, the attacks aren't even starting anymore. I even drove on the motorway for the first time in 5 years last week! I am back to my old and confident self.
From the Uk

My name is Alison I am 62 years of age and live in park ridge Queensland Australia. I would like to share with you my testimony regarding panic and anxiety attacks.
I am reading this out and apologies for that but it is the only way I can relay my testimony and can become very emotional when referring to Barry and his book Panic Away. I have no apologies for this. Last night as I thought about what I wanted to say I realized I have had panic/anxiety attacks for the past 57 years. From(...)

It's the real stuff. Do yourself a favor and get it for yourself or a loved one. It will make a huge difference for you and them.
I got it for a loved one who is cured and while reading it I noticed I was less stressed in a stressful world.
Thanks Barry
Best Regards,

The fear has gone, the fast/irregular heart beat does start up and I have numerous trips to the loo, but instead of missing out on life I carry on and more often than not the beats become regular.
I was so sure the specialist had 'missed' something but now I KNOW that it's my thinking at fault and not my heart. Just turning the computer on and reading your book has the power to stop the overbeating! I don't dread coming events that I know will start me off again anywhere near as much(...)

I have read some literature about panic attacks. But they always seem to have a more scientific approach and that is nothing I need in my struggle to survive those horrible panic attacks. This is a "hand on" and very practical book. I felt it was written to me. I am sure that you are going to feel the same.
Barry writes exactly how I think. The examples are perfectly described. And the method is genius. I recommend this book and thanks Barry for writing it. It changes my life every(...)

This product works! I thought I was going crazy with these anxiety attacks.
They were crippling my social life and I was at my wits end about how I could regain control of my life.
Although I was skeptical I'm so glad I downloaded the e-book. It is so simple yet so effective and works almost instantly.
Thank you for letting me get control of my life again.
Mark G.

I wanted to let you know that in 3 days I feel better than I ever have after months of therapy and some other online programs.
I have dealt with panic attacks that seem to strike every year or two for over 15 years. Usually once they get started I tend to spiral into deep depression from the aggravation and sheer fear of having them. Things don't seem to resolve until I go to counseling and get on yet another cycle of medication.
This time I skeptically ordered your program in yet(...)

You haven't heard from me for a while but I wanted to let you know that my life has changed, really and radically and happily FOR THE BETTER. No more days and nights consumed by thoughts of panic attacks - it's just bliss.
I love it. I love not being afraid of panic attacks. I love not thinking about them. I love the fact that if it does pop into my head, it pops right out again!
I feel pretty strongly about this book and what it has done for me after years and years of trying all(...)